She wonders if her mother ever regretted about her decisions

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“Second Brother had been using working overtime as an excuse to go visit Gu Wushuang. My mother had been turning a blind eye and just waiting for the day that he’d snap out of it.

“Lo and behold… he was so brain dead that he had offered up our family profits for that manipulative black lotus and signed some 5-year bet-on agreement with Gu Jiangxin!

“Now, when Gu Jiangxin was down on his luck, our Huo family became collateral damage. My mother is so angry that she is about to lose her mind. She yelled at my second brother and he yelled back that it was all her fault for not agreeing to his marriage. Gu Jiangxin would not have leverage over him otherwise!

“My mom smashed her favorite blue and white porcelain vase on the spot and said she will be calling a shareholder meeting tomorrow. They would talk about my brother’s poor decision and ask him to step aside and make me, me… the general manager.

“Em… remember I had been learning from Executive Assistant Meng recently and also signed a long contract with HF? That shocked my mom, my brother, and all of the upper management at the company.”

Gu Shishi found the stories recounted by Huo ChuChu thrilling.

She finally came to one conclusion.

“I so admire myself.”

How many birds did she hit with that one rock?! She bows down to her own mightiness every day!

Huo ChuChu had no idea what she meant by that but she expressed on the spot that she was still too excited and too nervous and she also wanted to talk to her big brother and see if she should give him the spot instead.

Gu Shishi took the opportunity to invite her over for dinner.

At 6 PM that night.

Huo ChuChu, who walked in the door and saw Gu Shishi in what looked to be maternity clothes, her stomach protruding slightly, and let out a ground hog-like shriek all over again.


Gu Shishi, too, shouted out.

No wonder she kept having an inkling that she had forgotten about something.

She seemed to have forgotten to inform the others that… she was about to become a mother…


Inside the humongous room and under the sparkling chandelier.

Huo Sishen had to reached out and rubbed her eyes to make sure that she had, indeed, saw what she thought she saw.

“Ahem, Chuchu, sit down and have some tea.”

Gu Shishi blushed a little.

She had been so busy lately she had forgotten about it.

She couldn’t tell anyone in the first trimester. Then she was busy with painting, coming up with names, eating melons… and it had completely slipped her mind.

More importantly, she hadn’t been having as many phone conversations with Huo ChuChu lately as they did before. She had been talking mostly about work the last few times that they have connected, or stories about learning from Executive Assistant Meng every day.

She had been working in the morning and taking lessons as night.

Huo ChuChu really didn’t have much time for lengthy phone conversations.

“sister-in-law… you…”

Huo ChuChu looked at her stomach incredulously.

Gu Shishi blinked at her, confirming her suspicion.

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