Mother Gu was enraged all over again

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Ivy hung up on the phone and immediately navigated to the Jiangnan product page from her phone.

She clicked into the webpage and was not particularly impressed by anything there.

Mainly because many of the pictures were ones she had an intern collected and sent to the boss lady beforehand. There was nothing that she had not already seen.

That being said, when Ivy got to the end, she must admit that the boss lady wasn’t just a pretty face.

In the full large displays on the page, the colors of the pictures that were chosen looked very uniform in terms of colors, filter, and style. They looked mystical and did not conflict with one another.

Most newbies would make a webpage looked like a collage of photos that they were posting for their friends, consisting of every color under the sun.

“But over 10 orders?”

Why would they receive 10 orders overnight just because of a pretty webpage?

Ivy had an odd look on her. Did the CEO place the order himself to appease his wife?

If that was the case, that would for sure be sugar + honey. If words got out, for sure every woman in the company would shriek wildly at the CEO’s idea of spoiling his wife.

As a working woman, Ivy would be lying if she said she wasn’t envious of that.

Standing in the hallway of the office in the middle of the night, she could see the dark circles under her eyes from working late into the night all the time and her face that appeared yellowish after her lipsticks were gone from her own reflection on the glass door. She felt a bid sad.

Had she chosen the wrong path for herself?

A woman who had chosen not to pour all of her efforts in blooming like a beautiful flower, attracting appreciators, and be doted upon and protected in a glasshouse delicately by someone who treasured her. Instead, she chose to live the live of a working bee. To a point that even her petals are about to fall off. All she got in the end was a not-so-bad salary and was barely able to purchase her own place in the countryside.

Ivy smiled bitterly, shook her head, and was about to head home.

Her phone chimed. She looked down. It was a WeChat message from Boss Lau, including a link to the video clip of the 14-day tour.

[Go look!]

She was very familiar with every advertising spots. Just one look at it and she knew that this was an ad that would only be displayed at a computer browser. As space are limited in the mobile app, no videos were available, just photos.

She clicked on it reflexively.

Instantly, graceful guzheng notes resounded in the empty hallway.

Photo: guzheng

Source: (<- click to play video)

The video started with photos of the old towns with bridges and water, followed by a ink painting scroll that slowly spread out from the middle…

Painting with maple syrup as a child, candied ginger, candy blowing;

A family of three rowing a boat, passed under a bridge, continued down the river and smiled at a middle-aged man appreciating the aroma of his tea in a tea house on the shore;

The sun was setting, the golden red sunlight reflected off of the surface of the water and a girl, riding on her father’s shoulders, raised the cotton candy in her hand up high;

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