Her past

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"Get out of here girl, I have got no work for you and you have overstayed." I heard Mr. Jeff speak gruffly to me.

"But all I need is just a place to sleep. I'm already doing many chores for the shelter home. I'm not even asking for food or money for that. All I'm asking for you to let me keep on sleeping here in some corner." I pleaded the in charge of the shelter home where I was for now. After turning eighteen I was kicked out of the orphanage and what I had left was a shelter home to rely on.

"Well, there are many people who need a place to sleep and are willing to a do lot more than you do," he replied angrily. "And they are even earning while you have got nothing. it had been more than six months, Amelia and you can't stay here any longer," he added.

"Please, I beg you I would do everything any kind of work but just let me stay here. I would make myself scarce you won't even know that I'm here." I tried once again. I had nowhere to go and sleeping on the roads wasn't even thinkable with grabby hands all around the city. I could be dead in a day or assaulted if I had to live on the streets.

"I told you that there is no place for you here," he shouted banging his hand on the table. I flinched at the sound. With my head down all, I could think was what was I going to do now. I needed work and a place to sleep as soon as possible. I heard him sigh.

"Amelia, the point is that I had already let you overstay for a while. If I let you stay for a while more then others would demand the same. I can't have that happening. You are supposed to be earning and get yourself on your feet by now. You have been here for somewhere over six months and everyone has their eyes on you," he explained himself and I did agree with him on a few points.

"But I do a lot of cleaning and laundry and don't even ask for money," I reasoned at my best with desperation in my voice.

"And no one considers it," he sighed frustratingly.

"You need to work and no, not here," he made it stark clear with his tone. "Somewhere outside but still you need to live somewhere else for a month. Maybe then I would be able to take you back." I stared at him wide-eyed with tears in my eyes.

"Mr. Jeff, I have got nowhere to go. I was raised in an orphanage I have got almost no friends and those who are my friends are living in shelters themselves. I have really got nowhere to go please consider letting me stay, I beg you please," I pleaded my case.

"Amelia," he sighed. "It's not that easy and having you stay for so long is causing bigger problems for me. Rumors are spreading around that I have been easy on you because you are doing me favors and that is making me put my reputation on the line." He couldn't;t meet my eyes as he said that. Favors, what kind of favors would I be doing for him.

I was going to plead again when I realized what he meant by that and why he couldn't look at me. I wanted to puke at just the thought of it. How could people think like that?

"I can't have such degrading remarks for on me and it could cost me my job here. Do you understand that and I can deny, it all along but people always believe in what they have their mind set on and others believe in," his stern tone told me that his decision was final and this time I couldn't even plead because I understood his reason. He was barely in his forties and in charge of a women's shelter. Rumors were like fire and they spread a lot easier. Once spread they couldn't be controlled without some kind of justice and sacrifice.

"I get that but I don't have a job. No one is going to hire me an average high school graduate with no skills at all," I paused. "You know I have tried. I went to work for that seedy bar and men grabbed me. I was so frightened. I tried waitressing and broke a few glasses and they fired me. No one has got any faith in me so I got no work." I said with tears of frustration in my eyes.

"I understand your position but where am I going to find work and a place to sleep for a month," I asked him hesitantly. We stared at each other in silence only to have him look away.

"Not a mention about this to anyone," he spoke sternly pointing his finger at me. "There is someone known to me who works in this house where they require a person to take care of someone and keep the house clean. It requires cleaning, feeding, and a lot of work." He took out a pen and paper from the drawer.

"I can put in a word for you. They are in urgent need of someone and agencies have been of no help to them, so maybe they will keep you. They will pay you according to your skills and I bet you it's going to be low because you got no skills girl," he stated openly and I flinched at the words.

"It's going to be hard work but you will have a place to sleep and food too," he scrawled out a name and an address on the paper. "Don't expect them to be nice to you because from what all I have heard they won't be. Just hold on for a month anyhow even if it's hard and makes you want to run. One month and then you can be back at the shelter." He held out the paper for me to take. I nodded my head and just to the paper.

"I will survive for a month for sure," I told him with all determination I had.

"I hope you do," he smiled at me sympathetically. I stared at the address scrawled on the paper with no idea about what was going to happen there. I was just happy that I had a place to stay and that too with food.

I walked out of his office with that small piece of paper and a smile on my face without a speck of awareness that how that small piece of paper was going to change my life for better and worse.


Hello everyone, I really hope you liked it.

I have my fingers crossed and really hope that you would tell me your thoughts on it.

Any kind of comments and input is welcomed so please tell me about it.

This was where her pain and misery began. A small piece of paper ruined her.

Thanks a lot for reading. I love you all!

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