Chapter 4

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As looked at the two of my favorite people sleeping peacefully, all I could think was how did I get so lucky?

Waking up early, I found myself transfixed by the most beautiful sight of the love of my life and my son sleeping peacefully. Getting off the bed without disturbing any of their sleep I sat on the chair by the window admiring the. I don't know why but I was just glad to have them in my life.

There was nothing more I wanted in my life, just the two of them. With these two, I imagined a life of growing old, the little boy turning into a handsome one just like me, him going off to college, his mother and I dancing together, her and I spending our life together, him getting married and so much more. I wanted to see all of these things with them. I wished to have more kids but that was not on the table for me so I couldn't ask for such things.

People didn't know about my issues which is why they were always too quick to judge. Adrian wasn't mine by blood yet I've loved him like my own.  He was almost the size of both of my hands when I had first laid eyes on him and the attachment was instant. I was thankful to both of them for coming into my life and even more for staying.

Sophia, his mother, had been my good friend but I had lost touch with her all because of a life-altering accident. An accident that was no one's fault but maybe mine. It had led me to be a pathetic man and make decisions that had just brought me nothing but heartache.

The heart was a fragile being and even when I was full of hatred and envy, a woman had been able to pierce through all those layers of emotions of resentment. I had hated everyone and closed myself off in the pity party. She had been able to make her home in my heart after penetrating through all the layers I had my heart enclosed with.

A little naive girl, that was what I had thought her to be, she had played that role so well that she had fooled everyone around us. Maybe once she was naive but greed and lust had blinded her or maybe that was her plan all along. I was still living in the maybe's when it came to her. A dull ache left in a small part of my soul that still wanted to know the answers to why I had been betrayed so ruthlessly. 

Had she ever loved me or was it just for money? Did she stray from her path or was it my disability that made her walk the wrong path? Why give me those empty promises when there was never an ounce of love? How could she feed me those lies and touch me while she had eyes for another? Was I not enough for her, what did I lack to give her to have her betray me like that? My hands closed in fists as I remembered seeing her in that room, the pain of betrayal still seemed fresh as if it was yesterday.

As I looked at Adrian all I could think about was how she had ripped every happiness from my life. She had taken everything from me and left me in shambles, letting me burn in agony all alone. What was my mistake I had asked myself again and again. I didn't want her to begin with, I hated her in the beginning but yet she had been the one to make home in my heart. What deception, cruel magic had she used to hide her true colors?

Some days I even hated myself for letting her inside my heart. I cursed myself for being so naive, for letting my guard down for letting her claws into me. I wanted to hunt her down and punish her, make her taste the misery she had left me in, let her drown in the sea of betrayal, and steal away the most precious things she had. All I craved was to rob of her everything and to leave her begging for help. She had left me like that and I desired the same for her.

"You are up early?" the soothing voice of Sophia pulled me out of my miserable thoughts. My nails had dug into the inside of my palm and as I opened my fist I felt the pain rushing though it was nothing compared to what I had gone through.

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