Chapter 6

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"You know, he isn't much of a man," I jumped hearing the voice from behind me making me almost knock the vase from the table as I was setting the flowers. Heath stood behind me too close to my liking.

"What are you doing?" I was scared of him. Ever since he had come to this house all I had got was creepy vibes from him. He was Daniel's cousin, almost his best friend and that is why I had tried to be as amicable as I could be but this was not acceptable. The way he stood behind me was suspicious and creepy.

"Just talking," he said as took a step back giving me enough space to squeeze myself between him and the table, without touching him.

"I would prefer if we do the talking with a bit of space between us," I put enough distance between us but as I looked at him I felt the need to put a piece of furniture between us. He chuckled as he saw me walking around the living room to the other end behind the sofa.

"This much space would be preferred," the unease I felt could be sensed through my voice.

"I would try to," he paused as he looked at me, his eyes were stuck on my chest and I folded my hands gently across them to hide. "But I can't make any promises."

"I'm Daniel's wife,  your cousin's wife," had he forgotten that. His hand raised to his lips.

"I know," he paused taking slow steps towards me. "But you are just irresistible. Young and beautiful. Also, you have no idea what you missing. My disabled cousin wouldn't be able to give you things a man like me could give." he was just across me on the other side and fear had me stilled.

"His love is enough for me, he is enough for me and I have no desire to be part of your life," my haughty reply just had him smiling like a creep.

"Oh dear you already are," he said taking me by surprise as he put his hands on the sofa where I was. He wasn't touching me but his intentions were clear through the smile he was giving me, the way he looked at me. I didn't know what to do.

"Mrs. Mckinnon," the housemaid's voice had me look away from him. Yet what greeted me had me worried, I could see through her judging eyes that she was staring at me and him. Taking a step away from the sofa I moved towards her. I needed to stay away from him and even from the air he breathed.

"Until next time, Amelia," the way his eyes looked at me, freaked me out.

I woke up with my heart beating erratically. The memory seemed so vivid as if it had just happened today. I could feel the fear in my bones from the way his eyes had looked at me. It was as if thornful vines were wrapping themselves around my body. I took in deep breaths trying to remind myself that I was no longer there, that the past rested where it was. It could no longer touch me or change anything. I had moved forward in life and I had to keep on moving.

Gone were the days when I was just surviving. When the hunger gnawed on to me on the inside, bathing was a treasure, and having clean clothes a luxury. There was no need for me to think about survival now, I had enough to survive now it was all about living the life I was young. At twenty-five I still had a lot to explore, so many vacations to take, and find things that made me happy. There was a side of life I had to see that I couldn't ever see.

I took in deep breaths again, trying to calm myself down. The ceiling of the hotel room was all I could see and the more I stared, I felt more at ease but sleep didn't come again.

Sleep was a no-show right now and I would be leaving the resort today. I looked at the bags that I had packed yesterday. Karl and I were going to be leaving at noon. The vacation was going to be for a week but Karl had changed our flights twice because he wanted to stay a little longer.  So it has been more than a week. We both have been visiting the beach ever since that day. 

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