Ch.18: Conference.

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Song: THAT BITCH - Bea Miller.

(Y/n) looks at her trembling hands while standing in the middle of the dark room, around her, there was an empty table. She was waiting for the conference to start, many medical directors from others S-Cities wanted to talk with her about the new variant that appeared on the C-City. Hearing the door open from behind her, she puts her hands inside her pockets and turns around seeing Dr. Lace behind her.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Lace stands next to her.

(Y/n) looks at her eyes and nods.

"Take a deep breath, don't let them see weakness on you" Dr. Lace grabs the control from her pocket and presses a button turning on the holograms of the doctors sitting around the table.

"Present yourself..." Dr. Lace mutters to her ear.

(Y/n) clears her throat and places her hands behind her back "I am S-Class Doctor (L/n) (F/n) and I'm the Head Doctor of the study 'Mr. Hyde'"

"Tell us the process from the first day, Dr. (L/n)" one of the doctors speak.

"May 25th at 7a.m. we received a report message from the central lab of C-City, the doctor that sent the message talked about a new variant that arose on his lab, they took some samples from the specimen zero and followed the protocol to keep the variant secured on a quarantine room as Dr. Lace requested a S-Exploration team to retrieve the samples"

"When did everything go downhill?" other doctor speaks.

"May 25th at 9.15a.m... The central of S-City received a SOS message from C-City's lab... the specimen zero escaped and presented a threat on everyone in the lab, they didn't ask for an exploration team but for a rescue team, Dr. Lace decided to recruit two S-Class guards, one S-Class sniper, two S-Class doctors, one S-Class Explorer... one B-Class Experiment and one S-Class Experiment..."

"But the report said that only one S-Class Doctor was present on the C-City labs"

"Why would you take an experiment with you?"

"Only two guards? That doesn't sound like a rescue team..."

Three doctors talked at the same time. Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) looks around until one doctor raised his hand and she pointed at him.

"Why would Dr. Lace send only two guards in a rescue mission?"

"Because there wouldn't be anyone to rescue... from the report we got from them, the variant is extremely contagious the chances of survival is less than the 9,6%, Dr. Lace sent us in a retrieve mission, we confirmed the dangers of the variant when we got there, there wasn't anyone to save"

Another doctor raised her hand and (Y/n) pointed at her.

"The report about the mission said that only one doctor arrived at the C-Lab"

"Yes... S-Class Doctor Joan Porco couldn't accompany us since the experiment that she was in charge, died before we departed"

"That wasn't in the report..."

"The report in the retrieve mission started from the moment we got in the blinded truck, the death of B-Class Experiment 111 was prior from that..."

"What caused the death of B-Class Experiment 111?"

"I apologize, how is that relevant to my report?"

"Dr. (L/n), answer the question..." the female doctor keep insisting.

"Our protocol indicates that if an experiment shows to be a threat to a human, they should be put down, B-Class Experiment tried to charge against me so he was put down before he could do any damage"

The other doctor wanted to ask another question about the incident but (Y/n) pointed another doctor to avoid her line of questions.

"Why would you take S-Class Experiment 703 with you?"

"He is my experiment, I'm responsible of his care and he was very well needed on this mission"

"Isn't this because you became attached to the Experiment?"

Her eye twitches before clearing her throat.

"Can you repeat that?"

"S-Class Experiment 703, even here we heard about the most dangerous mutant in your labs, we also heard that the experiment follows an S-Class Doctor like a lost puppy, I'm assuming that you are the doctor that they refer to"

"I don't think that any of that information contributes with my case"

"It certainly does" another doctor speaks up "Don't you think that if you were more focused on your work than being after Experiment 703 then you would've found the way to eliminate the fungus?"

"No, it certainly does not-"

"Maybe, if you had stick up with your team then you would've get into the labs and got out safely, instead of moving along with just the experiment"

"There were extraordinary events that forced us to separate from our team-"

"You should've stick by the protocol and go with a trained guard"

"You had to take more than just a sample, for God's sake, you were on the lab where the Specimen Zero was contained, how did you manage to let that chance slip out of your hands?"

"Dr. (L/n), you should've prioritized the samples at its purest form"

"You shouldn't have confronted the Specimen Zero..."

(Y/n) looks blankly at the wall in front of her... she couldn't believe what she heard... they didn't want a report, they wanted someone to blame, someone to yell at... chuckling lowly, all the doctors stay silent looking at the doctor that started laughing while dragging her hands on her face.

"Dr. (L/n), do you find this funny?"

"I can't believe you" she mutters looking at the doctors "Are you really reprimanding me for not finding a cure of a new variant in less than an hour? How high are you?"

"Dr. (L/n)! How dare you!? With all due respect, you should apologize to this committee"

"With all due respect, I don't answer to you..." she smiles at them "I came here to give you my report about the case and inform you about the studies on 'Mr. Hyde' while answering to your questions, yet you came here and waste my precious time with stupids 'You should have done this or done that'" she laughs "It's pathetic... you truly want me to find a cure in an hour to an illness that you failed to find a cure in more than thirty years... fuck off"

"Dr. (L/n)!" the doctors glare at her "Your attitude is a disgrace to this committee, if you can't keep your hormones on control-"

"Don't talk to my doctor in that way" Dr. Lace frowns stepping up next to (Y/n) "The circumstances drove Dr. (L/n) to hurry her way to the labs, she couldn't bring the samples as pure as she wanted to but she did everything to replicate the most of it and escape the Specimen that threatened her life and that's more than you could ever do in your medical life, so, if you don't have any questions related to the case then I think that this reunion must conclude, and Dr. (L/n) would update you in the Mr. Hyde Case..."

The other doctor kept silent... one of them raised her hand.

"The report said that you used the cold to fight off the fungus, is it safe to assume that the cold can affect the fungus?"

"It's a temporary effect, once the fungus unfrozen it'll be as contagious as it normally is, besides... this fungus learns and evolves depending on its necessities, it learnt that the cold it's a disadvantage... so now it would develop defenses against it..."

"What do you recommend us to prevent get infected?"

"... Extreme measures, Mr. Hyde is an S-Class Virus, I highly recommend a high protocol"


"If that's all..." Dr. Lace speaks up. Seeing that nobody had any more question, Dr. Lace pressed a button turning off the holograms.

Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) runs a hand on her hair.

"Good work, kid..." she pats her back "Just, keep your language kid friendly for these assholes" she stands in front her "You should rest..."

"I will... but after giving a final look at my experiment"

Dr. Lace sighs "Very well... not to put much pressure on you but I expect nothing but perfection from you... as you have been showing me lately" she walks towards the exit leaving the doctor alone.

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