Ch.19: Waking Up.

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Song: Muddy Waters - LP.

703 opens his eyes and sits up looking at his surroundings, he was sitting in a familiar room, the same room where he was in the tunnels with his doctor. With the exception that this room was cleaner and there was fresh paint in the walls. Standing up from his seat, he walks towards the door and opens it. On the other side, there was a penthouse... the same penthouse that he saw on his dreams, looking through the wide window, he sees that it was raining outside... it's been a long time since he saw the rain. On the table, there were bags with supplies. He walks towards the bags and inspects them. There was something familiar with them.

When the sound of the thunder resounds in the room, he hears a whining in the closet, he looks at the direction of the cry and walks towards the closet opening the door. Cowering in the corner of the closet, there was a little girl covering her ears. He tilts his head and kneels down in front of the little girl.

The little girl opens her eyes and looks at the experiment in front of her with fear.
His eyes widens as he finally manages to get a clear look on her face. She had (e/c) colored eyes that were hidden behind her (h/c) hair.

When he tries to place his hand over her head, she yelps and rushes past him.

"Wait!" standing up, he turns around seeing the little girl sleeping in the arms of the doctor that they encountered in the C-Labs... Mr. Hyde.

He immediately glares at the monster in front of him.

"Let her go..."

The other man chuckles and kisses the forehead of the little girl petting her head.

"I... understand you better now..." he kept the little girl closer to his chest.

703 feels his blood boil and tries to walk closer to them to snatch up the girl from his arms but he stops when the doctor in front of him places his hand on her throat.

"Give me control of your body... and I will not hurt her..." he smiles at him.

"The last time you took over, you made me choke my doctor..."

"I showed her my capacity of control... I want her to be with me... but she will not leave you behind... which... it is a bother... so, if you give me your body, the both of us will get what we want... you get to be physically with her... and I will take her..."

"SHE'S NOT YOURS TO TAKE" he glares at him and rushes towards him punching him in the face while taking the little girl on his arms.

The doctor falls back and holds his face glaring at the experiment in front of him. He held the little girl with one of his arms as his other fist was clenched ready to beat up the doctor. The little girl opens her eyes and looks at the experiment's face.

"Hunter... your nose is bleeding, did you get into a fight again?" she mutters and holds his face to looks at his eyes.

When his eyes met hers, he notices that he isn't holding the little girl anymore but he had his doctor on his arm.

"703, I told you that you shouldn't fight off everyone that you hate..." the woman checks his surprised face "Uhm... would you mind putting me down?..."

He shakes his head and looks at his surroundings, he wasn't in the penthouse anymore... he was in his first cell.

"703?" he sees a hand waving in front of him "Are you okay? Please, put me down..."

Blinking a couple times, he looks at the face of his doctor and slowly places her down holding her face.

"(Y/n)? There was a little girl here and-" he couldn't find the words to explain her "... W-What's happening?"

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