Ch. 3

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I don't even know how I made it through the night!

Every time I closed my eyes, I saw them.

I saw the entanglement of their bodies.

Feet wrapped around his torso. I could hear the panting of breaths.

Each delicate sound of release.

I groaned as I turned to check the clock by the bedside.


It was five minutes before my alarm would go off.

I begrudgingly got up and made my way to the bathroom.

I didn't know how I was going to make it through today, but I knew after that performance I would have to step my game up a notch.


I walked into the building with my head held high.

When I got into the elevator, I double checked myself.

Shirt. Two buttons undone. Check.

I stuck my hand down my shirt and pushed my breasts up a bit.

Skirt. A little close fitting.

When the elevator got to floor, I envisioned my imaginary catwalk and began strutting. It took two almost trips and one "I'm okay" before I made it to my desk.

As I was waiting for my laptop to come on, I decided to make Dylan's daily cup of coffee.

However, when I went into the lounge, I saw that the coffee pot was already half empty.

I sighed.

Was it really that awkward for him? Was he really going to avoid me?

That's how it was for most of the day!

There was no "Ali, could you check on the progress of the shipment?" or "where are we gonna eat today?".


He sent all orders to me over email.

Heck, it seemed as if he brought his own lunch.

Whenever I escorted any clients to his office, he never even made eye contact with me.

I was fuming.

I didn't dress up like this for nothing.

I was gonna make him look at me!

I got up from my desk and stormed into his office.

"Dylan, we need to talk! Now!"

He looked up at me startled.

" Alexis, what are you doing in here? Why are you shouting?"

"Oh, cut the crap Dylan! So what if I walked in on you banging your wife? I'm pretty sure I've seen you naked before.", I ranted on.

" You have no right to be ignoring me-

He started laughing.

I was giving him a piece of my mind and he was laughing!

Even though I was mad, I took the time to admire that one deep left dimple and how it gave his face such a boyish charm.

Then my mind flashed back to yesterday, and I remembered that he was definitely all man!

I walked over to him and flicked him on the cheek.

"Will you stop laughing at me? It's not funny." I whined.

I was about to flick him again and as I bent closer to him, I saw him glance at my cleavage slightly.

Then, our eyes met and his face became still and serious.

He shifted away and cleared his throat.

"Listen Alex, I wasn't avoiding you because you walked in on us. Yes, it was unprofessional, but we're best friends."

He took a deep breath and paused.

He looked into my eyes as if trying to read my thoughts.

" I was avoiding you because of something Christine brought to my attention."

"Alex, do you.....



To be continued! :)

Seducing My Married Boss [Re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now