short chapter 1

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You know growing up I was always a bit of a rebel, compared to my perfect older brother sunny, which is probably why I was never my parents Favorite. I mean my brother loved sports and being social I would rather go drinking doing dumb shit getting arrest. my brother is planning on going to college I'm planning starting my own art gallery. my parents had more hope for my brother and would remind me every single day. I felt unloved and like I was a waste of space i tried to be like my brother but i was a lost cause in my familys eyes, I felt like no amount of effort I put In was ever good enough. but I did have one person who looked up to me and believed In me, my older sister Rachel. she was funny bright and loved musicals. she looked up to me I know an older sister looking up to her younger sister isn't common but that was Rachel, she saw me for the true person i was, not the stupid person everyone else saw. Rachel was a beautiful person with a beautiful soul she was my rock and I was hers, she loved ballet in made straight A's. she never rub it in my face like sunny did. she would have rather help me than then beat me down. but something changed in her she started acting weird, she would go missing at unusual hours of the night and wouldn't come back until mornings, or until the next day, but eventually, 1 year ago on April 6 she just didn't comeback, i was 14 and she was 18. my parents would blame me for her actions saying that is was my influence on her that made her that way, but she always defended me saying, 'oh please stop im my own person you shouldn't blame her for my own actions, so when she went missing guess who was blamed , Me. I didn't even get time to grieve you Rachel, I wasn't even allowed to help look for you but don't worry. I'll find you, I'll find out happened to you, I'd do anything to get you back to hug you and to hear your laughter, I'll find you Rachel I promise. this isn't a story about just Me it's a story about all of us, so here's our story.

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