chapter 2

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7:46 am

It happened I saw her again with her beautiful blonde/Burnette hair and her big brown eyes I could hear her but I couldn't reach her, soon my eyes shot open and i look around my room hoping I'd see her but no one was there, it was just a dream a painful dream how long will these nightmares continue i asked myself, but not even a second later my thoughts were interrupted by Andrew opening my door, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL GET UP he screamed sorry Im just getting up i said clearly annoyed, I don't need to be getting a call on your first day back he said I stared at him for a bit in annoyance, I will get ready as soon as you get out of my room i said with a glare,good watch your tone he replied as he walk out the door Leaving it ajar, I jumped out of bed put my clothes on in ruffled my hair great now I'm ready for the most dreaded moment of my life going back to school for the first time after my sister disappeared

7:56 am

I arrived at school I few minutes early.
As I got off my bike I was greeted by my best friend Sarah, EMMY she yelled as she pulled me into a big hug I've missed you so much she said WHOA WHOA I shouted in surprise, you've miss me? We just saw each other last night and we live next door to each other I replied back as
She glared at me, well we still live in different houses she replied I scoffed as we began walking  into school, You see Sarah has been my best friend since 1st grade we thought of each other as sisters, Rachel even thought of Sarah as her second sister my brother sunny not so much, he thought Sarah was annoying because she talked to much but that's just sarah, but who cares what that asshole thinks he never likes anything about me he hates everything and I still don't know why


Sarah and me had came back from school and had decided we were going to go to her house and chill  when we walked into her room we saw Meadow her older half sister on the other side of her room

Oh hey emmy r Meadow greeted me causing me to give her a half smile, she then jumped onto the bed and sought up and looked at me for a bit, stop staring at my friend Meadow your creeping her out said Sarah, shut up dipshit she replied, its okay I chimed in  im sure it's just nostalgic seeing me after what I spoke, causing Sarah and Mae to look at me with sorrow, I got this sour taste in my mouth I don't like being stared at with that look, About that emmy r I'm so sorry that I've ignored you for the past year she started I've just been taking Sarah's disappearance hard, she was my best friends you know I've just not been well she said while tearing up, its okay Mae I understand I replied, NO its not Rachel would've Been disappointed in me if she had known I was acting this way and I'm so very sorry emmy r she cried, I stood up off the bed and walk over towards her Mae it's okay really Rachel would've understood she always did after comforting her, she soon got called downstairs by Mrs mann, Rachel and Meadow had been best friends for a while me and sarah introduced them, when we got invited on vacation with them and there parents they connected almost instantly, would've? Did? You talk about her like she's dead said Sarah, she is I replied which lead to a long argument between me and her which then resulted in me running out, as I walked down the road thinking about what Sarah said maybe she's right I don't know if Rachel is died I should stop talking about her like she is I thought while walking, i was about to pass a store when I saw someone in the glass, I stopped in my tracks in shock Rachel I said out loud in disbelief it can't be this girl had black hair Rachel had a different hair color, this girl was hugged up on some guy I didn't know, I studied the guy for a bit I have never seen him before, I hide as soon I saw them leaving he store they got into the guys car, I tried to get his plate number but he drove away to fast, oh my God what did I just do what if Rachel got kidnapped what if that was Rachel and I just let her go off with some random guy Rachel I'm so sorry.

Diary entry

Dear Rachel I will be starting school tomorrow I feel like I'm lost all I want to do is hugged like we used to do every morning before school  I can't believe it's been a year since you disappeared when you first disappeared everyone thought you had ran away but I knew that couldn't have been far from the truth they haven't yet found you or your body I don't know if I should have hope that your alive or what my mind is starting to hurt and Meadow has been avoiding me I understand I guess she's just sad about you disappearing sunny's been treating me like shit like usual but I think he's been doing it more now that your gone Amanda's been going on a lot more business trips witch is good because that means I don't have to deal with her yelling and bitterness and dad's been drinking a lot more now it scares me he almost hurt me this morning when he realized I didn't do the dishes last night please Rachel I need you back. Love you from your "perfect" little sister emmy r ❤️

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