Chapter 6 - Cold introductions

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3/13/2013 - Edited

Chapter 6 - Cold introductions


Jace walked ahead with me following behind him since I was Beta. Trey slung an arm over my shoulder as Kent does the same with my other shoulder. Katy walked behind with Finn walking beside her, looking at the other pack members staring at us.

Once we got closer to the front door, the door suddenly swung open, revealing a grinning Ryan with a petite red haired girl beside him smiling warmly at us. She's probably his mate from the happy and giddy emotion swirling in her eyes. I could also see Ryan smiling like a total goof beside her.

As we walked closer I could smell him. Lucas. I couldn't see him but I knew he was close. I looked beside me and nudged Trey. He glanced my way before looking up front then he turned back to me and nodded. Let the revenge begin.

"Hello, I'm Alpha Jason." Jace stretched out a hand towards Ryan who shook it. "Welcome to the Silver Moon pack Alpha Jason, I'm Alpha Ryan and this is my mate, Cassidy." Ryan pointed to the red haired girl whose name was Cassidy. She smiled timidly at Jace who smiles back politely.

"Nice to meet you both." Jace replied. I was shaking as I could sense his presence coming closer. I tilted my head so I could see clearly but still stay hidden. Standing just behind Ryan was Lucas but my heart broke when I saw who was standing beside him with his arm snaked around her waist, Ashley. I growled internally. Stupid mutt couldn't even pick a better mate. I knew he rejected me and everything but still, he could've at least chosen a decent new mate!

As Lucas stepped forward, I could feel Kent and Trey grip my shoulder tighter. If I was still the weak little Cordelia I would've winced but now I didn't feel a thing. That's one of the perks of training every day, you gain more muscle. "Ah, this is my Beta, Lucas and his mate, Ashley." Ryan introduced.

From the corner of my eye I could see Jace clenched and unclenched his fists but no one noticed besides the ones from our pack. "Nice to meet you, Lucas. This is my Beta, Lia." I guess that's my cue. I winked at Trey and then walked forward.

I could feel eyes on me, most of them curious eyes because it wasn't every day that you'd meet a female Beta. It was extremely rare. I know, sexist. I walked further until I stood beside Jace. I smiled sweetly at Ryan and Lucas before bowing my head slightly in acknowledgement.

Ryan smiled back as Lucas didn't even spare a glance at me. He was too busy with the whining Ashley clinging onto his arm like an anaconda. Since no one has spat on me or throw insults, it's safe to say that they don't recognize me. Oh this is so sweet. This will make my plan work perfectly.

"Thank you for coming here and to train us, I know that your team has a very busy schedule." Ryan spoke. I looked around as the rest of the Silver Moon pack surrounded us. Most were in awe others gave Katy and I glares. Well, what is a world without people who are jealous right? Our team was well known because we went on a lot of missions worldwide. Since the Silver Moon pack was known as one of the weakest packs in the entire werewolf world, I'm not surprised that they were practically ogling us. We looked pretty damn bad-ass if I do say so myself.

I was too entranced in my own thoughts that I didn't notice Jace poking me. I looked up at him with a questioning look, "What?" I asked. Jace coughs and turns back towards Ryan, "My Beta will be in charge of training your members so if there is anything you would like to discuss about please discuss it with her."

"Of course, my Beta, Lucas will be discussing with your Beta about the training schedule." I gulped and gave a pointed look to Jace. He either ignored it or was plain stupid to see it, "Sure." Jace replied casually. I could strangle him right now! I looked back at Lucas and it was the first time he glanced at me. Something flicker in his eyes, I hope he didn't knew it was me.

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