Chapter 9

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I really didn't want to go out with him but I couldn't do anything about it, he was so stubborn and assertive, sometimes attractive but not today. I hadn't seen much of Christoph since last night but he had his secretary Robyn bring in a few things like my dress, accessories and even new makeup. I was excited but only because I was finally going someplace other than this house, it's been ages since I'd seen the outside world.

The Gala was tonight and I spent basically the whole day getting ready,

The dress was a simple black one that really gripped on my curves and edges with a thigh-high slit. I loved the simplicity of the dress, it was classy and of course it was paired with black red bottoms.

My deft fingers painted red for contrast picked up the red lip gloss for a little high light to my natural makeup before I got into my dress.

I had my silk pressed hair tied back in a sleek low pony tail which accentuated my jawline.

"So are you and Mr Lucciano exclusive?" I gave Haelynn the makeup artist a 'what the hell' kinda look. "mm No, Were not exclusive, he's nothing to me." I said in all honesty, He was an animal, I would never love a man like him.

"Oh." She let out curiously. "you're living in his house rent free you get to see him everyday and you know he's one of the most famous eligible bachelors I'm just saying." He's everything and more but extremely dangerous and cold, could a man like him even love? I ventured curiously.

"I can put in a word for you. That's if he doesn't kill me." I joked and her whole face lit up which warmed my heart up. Actual human interaction, I thought I'd never do this again.

"What's that?" She pointed to my arm with the brush, my robe had slipped if my right shoulder exposing my very irregular birthmark around my hindarm, slightly peaking inches below my underarm. "It's a birthmark, erratic isn't it?" I joked pulling the robe up. "I've never seen anything like it before its so detailed." she marveled. "Yah." I let out flatly.

It was weird, and nobody's ever actually seen it except for my dad who ordered me to never show it to anyone.

"You good?" Haelynn asked me as my mind drifted to my dad. I remembered the betrayal, I flinched right under my skin. "Yeah I'm good." I brushed the thoughts away.

"Can I have it covered?" I asked and she nodded, my dress was sleeveless so I needed a bit if concealing.

Lucciano called for me a few times, but I needed my time and that's exactly what he gets for forcing this on me.

I walked down the stairs, all eyes were on me especially Lucciano's and my eyes were on him, I don't know why but something about him and the colour black.... its just alluring . I've seen him in a black suit like everyday but this one was different, better. His hair was neatly combed back, and God did I wanna jump him.

He was doing it again but this time a little different, his sterling grey eyes were firmly fixed on me but this time it was softer than usual, I literally felt something twist in me.

Christoph's POV

Finally after hours of waiting her heels clinked on the stairs, I turned tingles creeping up my spine. Her hips swayed in finesse as she came down, everything was perfect and I helplessly found myself staring. What the fuck was she doing to me?

I can't be feeling like that she's a 

I immediately broke my gaze and glanced at my watch. "We're late Kaele." She just smiled, playing with the rings on her fingers. She was late on purpose. 

"Can I keep her?" Demetrio whispered into my ear and I simply glared at him devilishly before I walked out.

We sat in the back of my Rolls in silence. Leilani gazed at the scenery of the city and I could understand, she's been in one place for a while. I watched in annoyance as she fiddled with her diamond bracelet and then her lips parted, ready to speak but she said nothing. 

The car was brought up to the facade of the hotel. The doors were opened for Leilani and I and we got out. I put my hand out and she flinched a bit as if I would hurt her. Our eyes met with a deep yet soft stare as she hesitantly took my hand.

Maybe I was a bit too violent with her. We locked our arms and walked into the grand hotel.

We stood a few inches away from the entrance of the hall, "Remember chin up, straighten your posture and exude confidence. Don't blabber nonsense whe-"

"-Well I'm obviously gonna do that, you should have thought twice before bringing me along Lucciano." She spat, my name sarcastically leaving her tongue while she glared at me. "And so many rules.. what? Are you afraid I'll embarrass you?" She stared at me nothing but innocence laced with a little bit of anger.

I like that. 

"Whatever you do doesn't concern me, the embarrassment will be yours, you're nothing to me." I proclaimed calmly while she merely rolled her eyes artistically. "The people here are different from what you're used to, I'm trying to help you blend in."

"Are you done? Can we go in now Sir?" I clenched my jaw and fist in irritation then shook my head calming myself. I pulled her along to the ballhall muttering a curse in Italian.

Leilani and I made our way through the ballhall, greeting and conversating with my business partners and associates. "Lucciano can we sit?" She whispered to me after a while of moving around. "Sure." We sat down and sipped of some non-alcoholic wine, Leilani's preference of course. And I was looking to stay off the liquor tonight. I had some work after this.

"Mr Lucciano, good evening." I stood up and greeted my business partner with a firm handshake. "Evening Mr Johnston." He proceeded to greet Leilani who stood right by me. "I was really looking forward to seeing you here, I have a few people I'd like you to meet." He meant business that's exactly why we were partners. "I'll be back. Just stay here." I told Kaele before walking away with Johnston.

I noticed a few eyes set on Leilani. I clenched my fists, anger slowly sipping in. He better not get anywhere near her. 

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Here's a meme( Lil reward For completing this chapter)

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