Chapter Three: You Have Feelings

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Author: I am really enjoying writing this so I may finish it quicker than expected. May contain spoilers.

You sit in the back with Rebecca while Kiwi sits in the passenger sit. The driver who you have recently been introduced to is Falco.

Falco: So you're the new member of Maine's crew huh? Good to meet a new face.

Y/N: If you say so.

Falco: Ah I see the crew has another quiet type then... You recruit him too Kiwi?

Kiwi: No... Rebecca.

Falco: Really? I'm surprised you didn't scare him away or piss him to the point of trying to kill you.

Rebecca: Hey even I can see when someone has potential.

Y/N: You only recruited me because you were petty.

Rebecca: I am not petty!... Besides I did see you were strong... I mean you did kill that bitch pretty easily even if it was accidental.

You just shrug.

Rebecca: I cannot believe that fuck is making us take it to his stupid factory... I mean why couldn't his security do it for him!

Y/N: His security can't be that good if they asked us to get the stolen thing in the first place.

Kiwi: His higher ups don't know the thing is stolen so he couldn't afford to send his own troops to retrieve it otherwise he'd get in trouble.

Falco: Who he work for?

Kiwi: Not a clue... Probably one of the many mega corporations residing in Night city. It honestly doesn't matter who... Eddies are eddies.

You turn to Rebecca

Y/N: Militech is one right? I read about them. They specialise in weapons manufacturing right?

Rebecca: Yeah... It would be nice to see what is in the case.

Kiwi: Good luck with that... It's sealed tight.

Rebecca: Shit!

Falco: Eyes front... We're almost there.

Kiwi: Stop here.

Falco: Huh? But we haven't got there just yet.

Kiwi: Just stop Falco.

Falco slams his foot down on the breaks stopping his wheels. Rebecca grabs the front seats and brings her head between Falco and Kiwi's.

Rebecca: What's the deal Kiwi?

Kiwi: Something's wrong? Look at the factory.

You all look forward at the factory to see it completely unguarded and dark. You turn to Kiwi.

Y/N: It looks abandoned.

Kiwi: Exactly... There should be guards outside to collect the box.

Falco: Should I turn back?

Y/N: I'll go investigate.

Kiwi: Take the box with you just in case... Stay on comms just in case.

You get out of the car and put the box under your arm before you start walking towards. Rebecca jumps out the car and runs after you.

Rebecca: I'm coming too!

Y/N: Alright.

Falco: Be careful you two!

Rebecca holds onto her two pistols with tight grips ready for battle while you just stare blankly forwards.

Rebecca: You'd think a factory would have a sign on it... Fucking factory doesn't even tell us who the client works for.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum