Chapter Two: Crew Bonding

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Author: I think I did a good job at making Ed very dislikeable. No offense to any Eds reading.

You lay in bed holding Rebecca's naked self in your arms.

Rebecca: A girl's day huh? Sounds fun. Nothing like some crew bonding.

Y/N: Shame you won't be going.

Rebecca: Why not?

Y/N: I'm not letting you go.

Rebecca: As much as I want to have you hold me for the rest of our lives... Please let me go. It's only for one day.

Y/N: I'll die without your affection.

Rebecca: Don't be stupid. You'll be fine. You go on missions without me all the time.

Y/N: Every second is hell.

Rebecca sighs before calling Bob. Bob walks in and pulls you off Rebecca.

Y/N: Noooooo!

Rebecca watches as you hold onto the door frame as Bob tries to carry you out the room. Your crew watches from the dining table.

Sally: He's like a cat.

Ashe: That is just sad.

Y/N: Unhand me Bob! You will not take me from my Rebecca!

David: I would never act like such a weirdo.

Lucy smirks at David.

Lucy: Do you not want my affection twenty four seven?

David panics and starts waving his arms about.

David: That's not what I mean.

Lucy: I know... I'm teasing you.

David: O-Oh.

David blushes in embarrassment.

Y/N: I am the leader... I demand respect!

Ashe: Then act like someone worth respecting you crazy idiot!

(Timeskip - An hour later)

Y/N: All we die.

Falco: Would you relax already?

David: Come on Y/N. Let's enjoy our guy's day out.

Y/N: I wish I were born a woman... Or dead.

David: Don't be so dramatic. We're going to have fun.

Falco: So just relax... You'll see Rebecca again.

Y/N: The end is nigh.

David: You really are such an edgelord.

You continue to cross your arms with an unhappy expression on your face. Your two friends sigh.

Falco: So what do you guys want to do? Want to grab a drink?

Y/N: What I want... Is to go to Rebecca.

Falco and David sigh again.

David: You really are hopeless.

Falco: Why did we let you become the leader?

In Ashe's limousine being driven by Bob.

Rebecca: Shouldn't Bob be with the guys?

Ashe: He's the driver... Besides I don't want him near your Edgy boyfriend while he's on his period.

Sally laughs.

Sally: Maybe we should have asked him to join us after all.

Rebecca: He'll be fine. I mean how much trouble can he cause without me?

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