Chapter Five

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Amira's Pov
"My love wake up, time for you to wake." The whispering tone was the first to hit my eardrums in once. That and a pure mix of the sun rising. I raised one hand simply up to grab the hand plus fingers from stroking at my cheeks fluttering my eyes open in one loose motion. I had to shut them again the brightness of his eyes staring down at me.

"Daemon my husband it's far too early shhh, my legs hurt." I chuckled shaking through soft laughter hearing his raspy chuckle in return, I tried to move my body laying on my stomach to bury my head right back into the pillows to drift off into sleep, before I felt my body being moved to rest right on top of his naked warm form.

"So feisty in the morning, I would love if my wife would take the time this morning to meet Caraxes." I was now half sleep at his tone, blinking down at him feeling his palms rubbing all over my bare back. The images of last night flying through my head the wedding, the feast. The taken of my womanhood in a public setting of the pleasure house.

It was an addicting feeling of pleasure that would build up and up till it felt like an explosion was lit off. I was sure I almost screamed. The first time, before the second time it ended up lasting all night till we managed to stumble back into the castle unseen into the bedroom. I was clearly sure I passed out on his chest after some time the back of his palm messing with my hair lullying me to sleep.

"I tell you my legs are hurting and you want me to walk?" I joked staring down at him through the deep hues of his purple eyes shaking with soft laughter, moving to hide my face on his chest for a moment hearing his quiet laughter.

"What if he eats me?" I joked quietly getting a small smack on my bottom in return.

"Now stop it, he's a really sweet dragon, all his keepers are only fearful of him because of how large he is. I just have this feeling in my heart that he will like you, as do I." I felt a small smile creeping on my features pressing a few single kisses down his chest a little humming in thought.

"Well it couldn't fully hurt now could it?" I chuckled letting the kisses slide down a little further feeling his back shifting back over the slick sheets.

"Careful there princess any lower and I'm not responsible for what happens this morning." A harsh laugh tore through me kissing near his naval in amusement.

"Do your worse husband." I taunted loud boasting laughter echoed from both sides feeling my body flipped and pinned down in one quick motion both hands above my head.

"I surrender I'm too sore Daemon!"

"Too late gonna put my mouth to good use."

After a much longer morning than anticipated. I couldn't exactly walk to the best of my ability resulting in Daemon carrying me over his shoulder all the way down towards where they kept the dragons.

"This is so humiliating." I muttered propping my hand over my cheek feeling his arms secured over my waist.

"I beg to differ, shows you got fucked by your husband." I lightly smacked at one of his shoulders, the sudden shift in the air. It grew absolute warmth like a flicking fire. I could hear the shift in Daemon's shoes as he walked across the stone before he carefully placed me down just for a second to rush off towards one of the gates. I found my hands pressed on the wall to keep my balance hoping to shield away my nervousness.

Targaryen's are said to be the only men close to the gods because of their ability with the dragons. Rheanyra happens to have a different through that without their dragons they would be just like everyone else.

I suddenly shifted my head turning my head towards the loud thudding footsteps my eyes grew in size. They weren't kidding about his size such a fire red color coats his scales, Daemon having his entire palm pressed on the top of his head leading him towards me.

"And you are sure he isn't gonna eat me?" I said through my laughter slightly moving away from the wall taking small steps, once the Dragon was in my view his long head lowering down towards me.

"He's semi friendly now here give me your hand love." He moved one hand to carefully urge me closer before grabbing the top of my hand placing it over his nose allowing for him to gather my scent up. The rumbled breath almost had me jumping back in start.

"Caraxes this is Amira my wife, Amira my dragon." I found myself shaking with giggles again peering at the Dragon softly he was a beauty that's for sure. I gently bowed my head at him.

"He's beautiful." I muttered turning my head back towards Daemon smiling seeing him smiling back towards me, leaning in to press a soft kiss towards my cheek, keeping his hand over my own. I found my hand gently stroking over his head a couple times the warmth coming off him was more then enough then to keep me warm through out this all.

"You have amazing taste Daemon." He rolled his eyes playfully my way before moving to lay his head over my shoulder shutting his eyes almost as if he was in bliss.

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