Chapter Thirteen

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Amira's Pov
"My lady Amira? The Dragon keepers are here to speak with you." I fluttered my eyes a couple times, averting my attention away from the words spewing into my brain, I nodded my head towards the handmaiden. She bowed her head at me with a kind like smile setting Daenyra down to play with her toys.

I shifted up in my chair tugging at the large skirts of my dress, before focusing on the two men who entered bowing their heads at me with softness and low mutters to their heads.

"I didn't send for you though? What is the purpose of your visit?" I asked kindly setting the book to the side to give them all my full attention, seeing them both glance at one another before one spoke first above the other.

"Our Prince Daemon sent for us to speak with you about his whereabouts the other night." I once again nodded picking up Daenyra with a grunt when she came crawling over tugging at my large skirts with a whine.

"Yes I assume it's because I threatened with divorce over these rumors I've been hearing, so what lies will I be hearing?" I questioned giving Daenyra my hand to play with they spoke in unison.

"Prrince Daemon showed the princess around the Red keep. He had left her company around the time the city watch was in place. She was then accompanied back to her room with Ser Criston Cole, who was with her the entire night." I lifted an eyebrow for a moment taking a deep breath in for a second before averting my eyes for a spilt moment.

"Prince Daemon was in the Dragonpit at around 12 moon?" A nod was sent in my direction.

"My lady I hope I am not speaking ill out of terms.. But the Prince loves you dearly I can't say the same for his late other wife but he values you and your daughter above anyone else. We speak no lies."

"You may enter!" I pushed opened the doors with a small swing to them, I stared at Rhaenyra's form sitting in front of her mirror applying shades of lipstick to the edge of her lips a shocker expression grew on her face watching her whipping around before she was ordering the maids out of the room gently.

I found my eyes focused on her with softness moving towards her form, I took in a deep breath grabbing her shaking hands for a moment.

"Rhaenyra my dear sweetie niece... I wanna apologize for the way I acted in front of you the other day.. For acting harsh and accusing you and your uncle of things. The gossip had been getting to my head but that doesn't change the fact that I should have never even thought it." A set of tears  brimmed her eyes, watching her form quickly hug around my body hurting her head onto my chest.

"I would never do that to hurt you auntie... It wasn't uncle Daemon.. I was with Ser Criston Cole.. I was just scared to tell anyone. Uncle only showed me around before he left me to his own manners. I love you Amira.. You've always been there for me and that's all that matters." I held the back of her head gently threading my hands through the strands of her sliver like hair. It looked like the snow from the north. I held her shaking form closer to my own resting my chin on her own.

  "I'm sorry my dear.. I apologize greatly for my behaviour these last few days it's been childish." I muttered. We parted from the hug. I found my palm wiping away the warm of her tears from her cheek in a small motion, tucking her braid to rest over her shoulder.

"You're a woman now, married.. You are all grown." I teased to her hearing a single chuckle escape from her, watching her squeeze her eyes for a moment wrinkling her nose up in her own cuteness.

"We have an agreement but..It feels odd to think they only want my womb." A soft snort left my lips before pressing a kiss to her temple.

"As daunting as it feels right now Rhaenyra... The first time you hold your child.. And see them when you see them after many moons there is no love like the love you Will have for your children and I can promise you that girl." I teased at her gently nudging her temple softly.

She smiled up at me some more fixing at the sleeves of my dress with a heavy sound, she tilted her head down for a moment before speaking while looking up at me.

"I think you and my uncle should go to the island of Dragonstone get away from the madness that is here.. Have more kids but focus on yourselves and forgive him." She joked gazing at me even more. "He really does love you after all this time have a little more faith in him." I smiled faintly holding the back of her head gently shutting my eyes.

It wasn't a bad idea when actually hearing it aloud away from the gossiping courts. Daemon could pick the staff he wanted there with the guards as well. It could be what we needed.

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