Chapter Eight

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Amira's Pov
As promised in the final hours with my husband. I did everything in my power to ease his racing mind and worries. I cracked jokes from time to time to hear his laughter. I played with the strands of his hair twisting my fingers throughout it, I even let him fall asleep briefly with his head resting on the bump, slightly being kicked in the head in the process. As strange as it was gonna occur Daemon being away would not only do him some good but for myself as well.

I had lasted a few days in Dragonstone before I found myself missing the company of Driftmark my family and the family matters. I had ridden back to Kings landing in a matter of few days. Greeting Queen Alicent and King Viserys, he greeted me with a proud smile beaming about how far along I was in my pregnancy.

"I take it, you know of the matters with my brother yes?" A thin formed line grew on my face, sending a head nod his way leaning further back into my seat rubbing my hand under the bump, I felt the strands of my hair flying into my eye sight for a split second.

"I do know of where my husband is as well as my brother.. Seeing as he asked permission to leave before hand. Daemon has always had his mind wherever it needs to be whether that's fighting in the stepping stones. The wind and sea will guide him where he needs to be, saddened by his departure me and his child will see him when the gods bring him to us." He sent a smile my way bowing his head letting his own white strands fly into his view.

"One of the best decisions made was agreeing for your hand in marriage to one another. I do hope my sister in law goes and gets some rest. You shall be needing it." I giggled under my breath, bidding him a quiet farwell for now. I found my eyes shifting towards Alicent a soft empathic smile growing on my face.

I felt for her she was still young, yet she was still married off straight away being forced to carry heirs. Something tells me as she grows even older she is gonna grow with madness having her life slipped away from her very own grasp by her own father. She locked her eyes with mine sending me a soft smile in return, before I waved her to follow after me. With a quick head nod, she kissed Viserys's cheek before she held out her arm for me to loop into her own. I held it out footsteps taking us down the long halls.

"Have you been well Amira? It feels like she's since I've since your bright energy around here. Are you doing well through your pregnancy? " I glanced her way gently patting at her arm a few loose times.

"I'm doing quite well. It took my body some getting used to, Daemon helped me through it allowing for me to sleep on his back in the early days." I found myself smiling looking down at the ground, both of us stopping in front of the many large windows shining out towards the mini garden.

"It sounds pleasant... It does feel nice to speak to someone not addressing me as your grace... I still feel so young to these duties.. Rhaenyra barely speaks to me anymore." I could hear the pain laced through out her voice. I placed my hand on her shoulder squeezing at it deeply.

"She just needs to understand it wasn't of your doing. Rhaenyra just is still mourning her mother in some ways. I don't think she sees it in the way that you didn't wanna be forced into a marriage." She shifted her head towards me sadness shaking through her eyes exhaling roughly.

"I must ask...  How were you and Prince Daemon able to adjust to well.. Of course there is he has his looks." My own soft laughter left me to lighten the mood, looking down in amusement.

"I at first wasn't happy about the marriage. I just assumed my brother did it for more upper positions to go in his favor at court. I heard far too many rumours about him made him slightly unappealing. After spending some time before, during and after the wedding. He showed a different side for me to see. He still is an asshole that's for sure, he gives me the respect as his wife. It's like having two people adapt to one another yet your situation is way different." I paused turning to face her.

"You are young Alicent... Very young only fifteen and already being forced to bare heirs and for that I am sorry your life has been taken from you." I apologize to her gently, moving to wrap her in a small hug feeling her hands rest on the small section of my back muttering quietly to me.

"Thank you.. For your kind and wise words." I sent another smile her way once we pulled away. I had yet to see Rhaenyra knowing I would have to greet her as well.  Me and Alicent talked for some more time being before I found myself in my room resting on the edge of the bed when the pain flares across my lower back, rubbing at it a few times in place shutting my eyes.

The days in Kingslanding haven't even enter the blissful days. It's just gonna grow worse.

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