Seven [Body pains & Heartbreak]

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"Is this alright?"

Roach sat next to Queenie on the musty old sofa under the window of the Rec room, the sergeant sat with his feet on the coffee table Infront of him, phone in his hand as he played a game, his head resting against the back of the sofa.

Alyssa's eyes lifted from the magazine she was wearing, listening as the heavy guitar filled her ears, the pair shared a set of headphones, listening to roach's frankly decent taste in music.

"Yeah, it's fine" she chuckled returning her attention to an article she had been reading. She was glad the boys had returned from a recent mission; they had been gone a few days, but camp had been quiet with only Riley for company.

She wasn't Opposed to the lieutenant's company, they had struggled to play pool together, they had watched countless crappy movies. The lieutenant and medic had well and truly bonded recently, they openly shared inside jokes with one another, but as Alyssa glanced up from her magazine once more, Riley sat on a kitchen counter with his back to her, she wondered did he ever take that pissing mask off?

A body appeared before her, blocking her view of Riley.

Chemo stood there looking at whatever page she had landed on curiously before his gaze flicked to her, he nodded gently which she soon returned.

"You coming to the party later?" he questioned perching himself on the arm of the sofa next to her, his eyes falling once more to the beautiful woman in the magazine.

He was one of the shortest in the team, a dark buzz cut with emerald eyes, he was younger, one of the youngest in the team, he had a boyish face, cheeky smile and no scars littering his skin.

"yeah, yeah it should be good" she spoke slightly unsure, she had partied a lot in her youth, as part of her rebellious stage of her life she had often stole alcohol from her father and drunk it with her friends, as she grew older and into her twenties she partied even more, uni had been full of nights spent with her head in a bucket or over the toilet, but now in her late twenties she had matured slightly, now preferring cosy nights in rather than heavy nights out.  Chemo smirked playfully slapping her shoulder.

"It will be better than good, last time we nearly killed meat, aint that right meat?" He asked the man, meat sat in front of the tv, focused intently on the racing game he was playing with Royce. Meat groaned loudly flicking his attention from the screen to Chemo.

"don't fucking remind me" Meat replied, Alyssa chuckled lightly watching as Mactavish strolled into the Rec room fist bumping Ghost lightly chuckling as he did so, he wore dark jeans and a black t-shirt that hugged him in all the right places. He glanced over towards the medic causing her to quickly pull her attention back to Chemo, He was still staring at the girl in the Magazine. Alyssa rolled her eyes before ripping the page out and pushing it into his chest lightly.

"enjoy" she chuckled, Chemo nodded thanking her silently before folding up the paper pushing it into his pocket then moving towards Worm and Ozone at the large pool table.

Alyssa lent back against the sofa, abandoning the magazine on the table in front, she sighed heavily closing her eyes allowing the heavy music to fill her ear, she heard Roach hum contently next to her, his foot bouncing in time to the drums.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, she frowned slightly mentally cursing Jones for ringing her at such an inconvenient time. She pulled the headphone out allowing it to fall back onto the sergeant next to her, quickly grabbing her phone.

Unknown number.

"Hello?" she questioned answering, Roach watched her silently as she leant forward, her elbows resting on her knees, he watched as she stared at the floor, unable to hear what was being said, but he saw the tears come to her eyes.

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