Twenty Five [No Russian]

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"We interrupt this program for some breaking news"

Alyssa's gaze flicked to the Tv, she sat at the bar of the fancy Restaurant, Sian stood behind the bar talking to a sleazy looking man, an uncomfortable smile across her lips as she gently wiped the counter top. Sian didn't need the job, nor did she particularly like being lusted over by men double her age who had wives at home, however it kept her busy, kept her out of the house while she studied at law school.

The chatter in the restaurant died down as all eyes focused on the TV, an older news reporter sat there, glancing at the camera as she spoke, her face serious with worry written across her glassy eyes.

"Good evening I'm Diana Ross, we come with you for breaking news, we can confirm that within the last hour there has been an attack on Zachaev's international airport in Russia" the bar erupted in murmurs, as people exchanged conversations, live footage of the airport filled the screen, Russian soldiers surrounded it, blurred bodies littered the floor, Alyssa glanced towards Sian, her best friend exchanging a worried look with the agent.

"It is unclear at the moment who conducted the attack however authorities are treating it as an act of terror, the estimated number of civilians killed stands at five hundred with more reports of missing and injured people coming in, we will provide any updates as they come in" the broadcast cut back to whatever show was playing before, Alyssa's phone buzzed on the counter next to her, she quickly grabbed her jacket leaving the bar as she answered.

"Jones! What's going on" she exclaimed quickly pushing her way through the busy streets of London towards the large MI6 headquarters, people bustled around her either completely unaware of what was going on or without a single care in the world.

"You need to come in right now" he spoke through the phone quickly ending the call as briskly as it had started, Alyssa reached the building, thankful her friend only worked a few streets away, the office was busy, people rushing about, swapping files and discussing the attack, Phones were ringing non-stop, people pushed past the agent as they rushed about their work.

"Dixon this way!" Jones called, Alyssa quickly followed Jones into a large conference room, Agents sat around the room, Sam sat to one side, his face lighting up when he saw Alyssa, she had done well to avoid him the last four months since her return from crendenhill. She sighed heavily taking a seat as far away from him as she could.

Jones stood at the front of the conference room, his eyes glancing around ensuring everyone was present.

"We think Makarov was behind the attack" he stated his voice flat as he spoke, the room filled with murmurs as a picture of Makarov appeared on the screen, Pictures from Zachaev airport flashed up although grainy, Alyssa could see Makarov, Turgenev and three other men she didn't know.

"The body of an American was found at the airport, we are on the verge of World War three and we don't have a lot of time" he sighed heavily, he turned towards Alyssa.

"Dixon. We want you to go back to the 141, we want someone to oversee their operations and seeing as they know you it will be a lot easier" he trailed off, Alyssa's heartbeat quickened as the words fell from his mouth. All eyes fell onto Alyssa, she shifted in her seat slightly.

"With respect sir, the 141 think I am a traitor, I don't know how well they will accept me overseeing their operation" Jones shook his head lightly.

"With your ties to the team sending you back is our only choice, Brookes and Vick will go with you, you are to oversee their operation and work with them do I make myself clear?" Alyssa nodded gently, her hands trembling slightly, she glanced towards Sam who had a victorious smile across his lips at the thought of joining Alyssa on her mission. It only made her more nervous.

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