Twenty Seven [You're Nothing]

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"Admiral Dixon will be aiding in the mission, we will board the subs, then attack the SAM sites, Agent Dixon and Captain Mactavish will be leading Alpha and Bravo team on the mission."

Shepherd spoke, the team gathered in the De-briefing room, Alyssa, and John to one side of the room, the agent glanced towards the captain before stepping forward to address the team, Mactavish smirked slightly noting the slight purple bruise barely visible under her collar.

"According to Roja's. Makarov's got it mad for a Prisoner 627. This means we want him. If he can lead us to Makarov or draw him out, he's an asset. I will be leading Alpha team, consisting of Brooks, Vick, Ghost, and Rook. Captain Mactavish will lead Bravo team which is the rest of you." She spoke, the men glanced around, Ghost chuckling to himself at the idea of getting to work with the two mi6 agents. Alyssa pointed to various points on a large map laid out across the table in front of them.

"The Gulag is surrounded by oil rigs with SAM sites. we will intercept the SAM site's and disable them giving us a clear entrance to the gulag and to prisoner 627." Alyssa glanced up looking at the team in front of her, Mactavish had a small smirk across his lips, it would definitely take him a little getting used to know Alyssa was his commanding officer.

"Right lads you've got your orders, now sort yourself out we leave within the hour" Mactavish added.

The men had nodded quickly dispersing from the room readying themselves for their mission, some went to the gym for a quick workout to hype themselves up, others gathered in the rec room chasing their last few moments of relaxation, Ghost sat in one corner of the rec room- headphones in lost in thought as heavy music pounded his ears as he readied himself. Alyssa sat on one of the sofa's playing yet another mind-numbing game on her phone, her mind preoccupied with the mission ahead, running through the details in her mind.

"So, who are those two?" Mactavish questioned taking a seat next to her, placing a mug of coffee before her, holding his own steaming cup gently in his hands.

"Vick" Alyssa spoke pointing to the agent stood in the kitchen, he was a balding man, with sunken grey eyes, his face worn with battle but somehow a smile still pulled at his lips and a laugh escaped from his lips at something Roach had said to him.

"He was in the army, probably why he seems to fit in so well here" she smiled glancing towards the captain noticing he was staring at her rather than looking at the agent she was talking about.

"And who's the one that looks like he wants to kill me?" John gestured to Brookes. Sam sat in a far corner of the Rec room, he was on the phone, staring intently at Alyssa and John, the agent shuffled even closer towards the captain a small smile pulling at her lips.

"that's the guy that cheated on me" she spoke with a low chuckle, John's face dropped, his gaze instantly flicking towards Sam with an equally intense stare.

"Relax. I have you now" She smirked; John nodded staring at Sam as he lifted his arm resting it on the back of the sofa behind the agent.

"So why does he seem to wanna kill me? He was the one that fucked up" John spoke matter of factly, Alyssa chuckled lightly returning her attention to her phone.

"Probably because he's been begging me to give him a second chance" she glanced towards the captain out of the corner of her eye, watched as his jaw tensed slightly under the light stubble, his eyes squinting lightly as he continued this stand off with sam.

"Oh yeah?" He spoke through clenched teeth. Alyssa chuckled lightly slapping the captain's thigh lightly pushing herself to stand.

"Yeah, I told him I met this super-hot guy who's in the army and I was kinda busy with him now" she chuckled, John seemed to relax at her words, he could only watch as she walked out of the rec room and towards her own personal room, a small smile playing on his lips as it dawned on him just how obsessed with her, he truly is.

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