Incomplete Plan

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I was feeling happy after leaving the Saengtham Mansion but I have encountered a problem now. I forgot that I know nothing about this world. Where will I be looking for the Theerapanyakul Family Mansion? 

It's not like I can ask the people on the road for the directions and then go to the Theerapanyakul family uninvited and they will Invite me in. Maybe I should have prepared better before leaving. Now what to do? I can't even go back or I will be imprisoned in my room once again.

I am sitting on a bench in a dark alley. It's already a day since I left my house and the only thing that I had was a Banana that I brought in my bag. I was thinking of my future and if I would die of hunger before meeting Vegas when suddenly I see a guy of about 17 running towards me. I mean running in the alley. 

He is being followed by a Bulky tanned man full of muscles holding a knife in one hand. He falls while running. Oh, it seems like I am at the wrong place at the wrong time. I get up from the Bench so as to leave quietly hoping that none of them noticed my presence. I don't want to be involved in some side characters and robbers. 'I am sorry kid I will leave and call for Police.' 

But the guy then starts kicking the kid. I want to ignore but then my guilt will eat me if I do.He might be just a no name character from a Novel but I can't help but try to save him. 

"Excuse me Mister, You better run away cause I have called the Police and they are on their way." I shout trying to mask my fear and hide my  shaking legs as I wave my phone towards him.

"Ha what you pipsqueak? You wanna fight?" He shouts. 

He comes towards me slowly as I am looking at the kid on the ground. Oh god someone help me. He is about to punch me and so I just close my eyes shut. But, I don't feel the guy hitting me. Instead its pin drop silence. I slowly open my eyes to see that the guy vanished. Not literally but rather he was groaning on the ground and then I notice the banana peel lying near his foot.

Oh..... I am glad for the Miracle of the Holy Banana. The banana saved my life. I will never eat an innocent banana ever again.

I could see the guy standing up again to beat me up. But before he has the chance to, the earlier kid comes forward and punches his face. Punch after punch until his knuckles turn red and the guy unconscious. 

"Thanks for helping me." He says. 

You would have won even without my banana's help. I think to myself.

"There aren't many people like you who would help others so readily."

I just give him my signature smile "Don't mention it. Are you hurt though?" I ask but instead of his answer, I hear a stomach growling.

Wait is that my stomach? How awkward. "You must be hungry. Let me treat you to a meal as a Thanks."

I smile shyly "Sorry for the trouble"

"Not at all. By the way, I am Macau Theerapanyakul. Nice meeting you."


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