Perhaps Love?

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I do my best to keep Macau away from Build. I don't know Build's true Intentions. He approached Macau and he is way too friendly with him for my liking. It's been a week since our trip to the Movie. I made sure that I keep Build with me wherever I go so that He doesn't get to meet Macau much. 

I am currently sitting in the garden reading a book. Pete must be in the Kitchen learning some new recipe from the Chef to experiment on me later. Recently he has been making new healthy dishes for me, insisting that I need to eat Good food and stay healthy. But more so he often gives me his vegetables too which I am sure is another way of avoiding to eat those veggies for himself.

I am reading a Book when My Dad arrives. I get up from my seat to wai him but instead am met with a slap on my face as he throws the book on the ground. 

"Can't you do one thing properly?" He shouts.

"What is it Pa? I did what you told me. I cracked the deal that you wanted and Beat Kinn."

"You Beat Kinn You say? You are far from that. Kinn is engaged to Pete. He will be getting huge funding after his marriage from the Saengtham's. And you? I should be proud of such a small accomplishment of yours? Maybe if you slept with the Pitaya's or Other Big Family then I would be Proud." He lectures and leaves with disappointment. 

How many times has it been now? I have lost count. Dad comes home scolds me for not being as good as Kinn and leaves in Fury. Never has he asked about Me and Macau. Never has he inquired about our life, If we are happy?

I touch my cheek that he slapped a moment ago. I don't feel a thing. I have grown numb to all such pain now. 

"Oh God!!" I hear Build as he runs towards me. 

He checks my face from side to side, cupping my face in his hand and then looking in my eyes "Does it hurt? What an asshole Father he is! I wanna punch his face" He says as he looks at the direction that my dad just left in.

" I hope he stumbles on a rock and falls in a muddy puddle and that he stubs his toe on his desk every night." 

'Hahahaha' I unknowingly laugh at Pete's antics. 

He might be the one and only person to call my Pa asshole with such hatred and curse him so passionately. What an innocent being.

He looks at me as he wipes my tears and hugs me tightly. "It's Okay na Wegath. He doesn't deserve a son like you." 

He then whispers softly "I know you don't like to show your vulnerable side to anyone Wegath..... But....... Can I be the only exception?" 

I don't know if it is the hug, but I am suddenly feeling warmth encircling me. I want to cry more. Hug him more tightly and cry louder. But instead I seperate myself from his hold as I look into his eyes. I want to answer but my mouth won't open.

Sigh "Let's go and treat it. You have a cut on your lip too." 

He says as he holds my hand and drags me to the Infirmary. As we are walking down the corridor many Bodyguards are looking at Build and then our intertwined hands. I am feeling a bit shy, instead I give them my death glare as they hurry to continue whatever job they were doing. 




I am now sitting beside Build as he is putting cream on my face. Our faces are so close together that I can feel his breathing on my skin. He then moves towards my lips. He holds my chin lightly as he is applying cream on my bottom lips. 

All I can feel are his eyes looking at me with worry while his soft fingers are touching my lips. I can see his face so clearly. He has such soft smooth skin and such big eyelashes. He shouldn't be covering his face with his bangs. What a waste. Then I feel him blowing on my wound as I look at those red plump lips. I want to taste them so bad. NO what am I thinking? 

He moves away to keep the things back and I am left there on the Bed alone with my thumping heart. Did he hear it too? 

The heart that I didn't know existed before. Beating so loudly in the presence of this person.I feel it melting because of the warmth of this new person that unexpectedly entered my life. 

What is this feeling?  

No way..... Is this............T-This is.........

I.....I gonna die........




"So what did you say were the symptoms again?"

"Yes Doc....My heart.. It beats faster and also it hurts sometimes when I am thinking about someone...I fear I am gonna get heart attack...Maybe I have been overworking myself."




Everyone Thanks a lot for reading this Fanfiction. We crossed 10K reads. I never imagined so many people to read it. I am glad there are people who take time to read this story and enjoy it. 

Lots Of Love 

Author nim.

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