Double Date

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"There are two movies currently screening : A romcom and a horror movie. We should try seeing both of them." Porche says excitedly.

"How can we see both of them?"

"How about me and Pete go watch Horror and you and Porche watch the Romance movie." says Vegas.

"How about we play a game?" Porche's instead suggests.

"What game?"

"Guess who knows more about Build." He further explains "All three of us will take turn to say a fact about Build which might be True or False. If you guess correct, You get a point.

"That's not Fair..... To you" Kinn says smugly.

"I have known him way before you came so... you are gonna lose this." Vegas says.

"Let's see about that." Porche says as he gives him his confident smile.

"Build is afraid of Bugs." Kinn goes first.

"True." Both Vegas and Porche answer in unison.

"Really..... You might as well say he is a human... how easy was this...." Porche replies sarcastically.

"Okay, My turn", Vegas speaks " Pete hasn't had his first kiss yet."

True. Kinn says followed by a False from Porche.

"Well unfortunately for you boys he had his first kiss just a few days ago." Vegas says and looks at Build while Porche rolls his eyes.

"Okay now Me. Build is allergic To Tuna, Pumpkins, Eggplant and Peanuts."

True. Vegas replies quick.
"And I win. I get two points. We will be going together me and Build." he says.

"If the prize is watching Movie with me.... Can I have a say in it?" Pete asks.

"Yes Definitely Build."

"Can I watch the Movie with Porche instead of Vegas?"

Vegas looks at Build with hurt evident in his eyes. Build just shakes his head. "It's nothing like that Vegas. I think you both, he says as he points towards Kinn and Vegas, " Can get over your differences if you spend time together." He says as he takes Porche's hands and leaves both Vegas and Kinn stunned.

--During the Movie--

"Oh look.... Such a lovely couple...." An elderly lady comments.

"They sure look good together..."

"Why are all the handsome men gay???" a girl comments while her girlfriend smacks her head.

Vegas and Kinn are accustomed to getting lots of compliments about their looks but Never in a million year they thought that they would be complimented as a Couple. And that too a Loving Couple.

"Oh look he''s blushing...How cute...."

Vegas had it enough. He got up and started screaming. "I am not Blushing and this asshole ain't my boyfriend."

"Oh... a lover's quarrel...."

Kinn just sighs. "Let it be Vegas...."

"What let it be? Are you happy with People misunderstanding us as couple?" he shouts at Kinn instead.

"Nevermind let's watch and leave."

"Fine......" He says as He reluctantly sits back in his seat and sips his coke.

"See I told you.... That guy is the top.... he became quiet once he got shouted at by his boyfriend. What a power Bottom."

Now Kinn had enough. Being called a couple is different and having called a bottom amongst them is different. He can tolerate the former but not the latter.

"Excuse me Lady....But I ain't the bottom." He speaks stressing each word.

"Yah...." She says as she starts giggling.

"What the....." Kinn is ready to pounce on her as Vegas stops him.

"Let me go Vegas.... How could she say I am the bottom... Anyone with eyes could see It should be You...."

Having enough of it. Vegas picks Kinn up and takes him out of the theatre, all the while he is shouting profanities at the lady.

"What a weird Couple."


--Same time in a More Peacefull Place.--

"There's screaming and shouting coming from the neighbouring screening room, Maybe the horror movie is Scary...."

" Yah I think so too...."

During the Interval, Build asks Porche the question for which he made Vegas and Kinn go together.

"Porche....How...How do you know about my allergies? I haven't told you about them."

"Yah.... I- Actually.... Vegas once mentioned....."


The reply wasn't satisfactory for Build. Considering that since Porche arrived Vegas has hardly had any conversation with him. But then there's no other way by which Build can explain Porche knowing about Build's allergies. So instead of Prying further, he just continues watching the Movie.

After watching the Movie in Harmony, they both come out of the screening room. They wait in the lobby for the other couple to arrive.

"Did you like the Movie Porche?"

"Hmm.... But I feel bad for the female Character...."

"Why??? She got married to the love of her life. It's a happy ending isn't it?"

"But what if it isn't what she wanted but rather what the Screen writer wrote for her?"

Build looks at him confused.

"No nothing, Never mind. Excuse me, I will be going to the washroom."

Build is left alone as Porche leaves for the washroom. He is looking around for the sight of the cousins but instead a very handsome man comes and stands besides him.

The man seemed to be about the same age as Build. His hair coloured in Maroon. He was wearing clothes that were fashionable and of style that Build could never comprehend. But the guy looked confident as though he owned the entire place. He starts up a conversation with Build out of nowhere.

"The people who don't like the Female character's end..... might be because they themselves are experiencing the same."


"You know........Just having your future written for you where you seemingly have no choice whatsoever about it must hurt, right?"

"Yah..... I guess....." Build laughs awkwardly.

"I am Tong by the way..."

"Oh....." Build was contemplating whether he should be giving away his name to the weird stranger. The stranger seemed to have realize Build's hesitation.

"Let's meet again Build." He says as he winks at him and leaves.

"Khun Tankhun...." Arm and Pol join as they see their Boss leaving the guy dumbfounded.

"My work here is done... Let's go home."

"Yes Khun Tankhun."

Hello everybody. Hope all readers are doing well. It's the last day of the year and yet another years gonna end. We are getting older 😭.
I wish you all a Happy New Year and that the coming year is full of happiness and new opportunities. If you are a student then may you dream about your exam questions. If you cheat in your exams then never get caught. If you are a working individual then May your boss be happy with your work and You win a lottery and live happily ever after. And also may you find lots and lots of Love. And most Important Stay Healthy.

Once Again Happy New Year. ☺️☺️

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