Chapter 4

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 I grip the side of the small wooden boat as we rock with the waves. Edward continues grinning like a maniac.

"She's been waiting for us!" he cries.

The giant squid-like monster submerges beneath the gloomy water. I clench my jaw as I grab the oar and push us closer to the creature. The distinct smell of dead fish floats past me. I scrunch my nose and glare at him.

"I can't believe you already need more of this stuff," I say.

He nods. "It's addictive."

Another groan from the monster makes me shudder. The water ripples. We row closer to it. The enormous deep purple mass floats several feet below the surface as I stick my head over the edge of the boat.

My heart clubs in my ribs, and my breathing speeds up. I pull my boots from my feet, tossing them at Edward's head. He yelps, dodging them by only inches. They smack into the bottom of the boat behind him.

"Come on, Elle," he says, placing a hand over his heart. "You know you benefit from this elixir as well. It cured your blond friend."

I narrow my eyes at him, scoffing. "As if you gave it to him from the kindness of your heart. There is always a price with you. And his name is Aston."

He purses his lips. "Aston. Ajax. Ruben." He drags out the syllables in the last one. "I'll add that one to the list of men Elle loves."

I laugh dryly. "Don't think you'll make it."

He shrugs and pulls a small empty glass bottle from his waistcoat. I reach over and snatch it from him, tucking it into my belt.

My hand quivers as I pull my knife from the sheath. I prop one barefoot on the lip of the boat, and the other on the bench, ready to spring away. The next groan from the bench tilts the boat back and forth and I drop, gripping the side with all my strength. A violet tentacle with orange flecked suctions emerges from the water, towering above me.

"There she is!" Edward whoops and hollers, clapping his hands.

I roll my eyes and grip my dagger tighter. My pulse roars in my ears as the monster rises from the depths. Sweat drips down my temple despite the cold. I wait, wait, wait until the top of its head breaks the surface before throwing myself from the boat, swinging my arms to propel me forward.

Edward yells and sends prayers to the gods as I land with a soft squelch on the rising monster's head. Its eight tentacles flail in the air. Water cascades from the arms, raining into and around the boat.

Edward throws his own arms out, revelling in the water, soaking him. "Ladies and gentlemen," he bellows. "I present to you, the monster with no soul; the shadowteeth!"

I lurch forward, crouch, and grip the enormous scales on the monster's head. The head is the size of Aston's house in the farming village. It roars again, and I feel the intense vibrations through its body as it thrashes around, almost flinging me off. A scream of terror bubbles in my throat. But I hold firm. Images of Aston's body spasming from the sickness flash across my mind. It reminds me why I'm here, and why I agreed to do this.

I spin the dagger around. Then I plunge the blade into its flesh. Dark, glimmering crimson blood gushes from the wound. The creature howls, throwing its arms around, trying to buck me off. But I'm quick. I grab the bottle, fill it with the blood, screw the lid tight, and tuck it back into my belt. Then I shove the dagger into its sheath. Just as I am about to jump off, an around reaches up and wraps around my waist, tightening. I gasp as the powerful muscles constrict my chest, almost crushing my bones with the force.

I can't breathe as the monster hurls me across the lake and I plummet into the water. Splinters stab my flesh and the icy water rakes my skin as I sink further and further into the darkness. Bubbles shoot into the shimmering light above me. And my heartbeat is a drum. For a moment, I am weightless. Suspended in time and space.

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