Chapter 17

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"Did you hear that?" I say, stiffening in my seat. The singing drifts away into reaches of the wasteland beyond, as if catches in the wind, and dances into the abyss.

"Hear what?" Ruben says, still wearing a floppy smile from cracking jokes.

"I think I heard the sirens." My chair scrapes as I push it back and march to the window, stretching onto my toes as I peer down the street as if I'm expecting to see the sirens stroll along the paths.

Ajax joins me at the window, blowing out his cheeks as he pushes his hair from his face. "They must be in the lake outside the city. Having a party with the shadowteeth." He throws me a cheeky smirk. "Perhaps we should join them."

I swat him.

"I sincerely hope there is no way for them to get into the river," I say, picking at my nails.

Ruben stands and grabs his coat from the hook by the bedroom. "Shall we head into town, Elle?"

I draw in a breath and snatch my coat too from the back of the chair. We bid goodbye to Ajax and Aston before stepping out into the grey afternoon. Clouds swirl in the sky as we traipse down the road, making our way through town to the main square. Savoury and smoky smells curl around me as we pass through the markets. Vendors sell fresh bread and bowls of soup. Horses clatter across the cobblestones and children kick a tin between them, giggling as they run after one another. People notice us. Heads turn. They utter my name. Ruben's name. Some of them even follow us.

When we arrive in the square, we climb on the stage, the same stage that was once a place for executions. I can feel the energy lingering in the surrounding air. As if the ghosts of the hundreds slain whisper in my ear.

I stand, trying to not feel embarrassed, as more and more people notice us and stop what they are doing. People from the markets down the alleyway stagger into the square. The wind whistles through the gaps between the buildings, creating an eerie, chilling atmosphere. Mothers with their children draped in coats assemble towards the borders. Younger men and women push forward, eyes pinned on us. My cheeks heat.

I clear my throat. "Our kingdom is in peril," I say, sweeping my gaze across the square. "We need your help. The people from the Red Movement beyond the walls want to destroy us. We need to build an army to protect ourselves when they arrive. If you are willing to fight for us, fight with us, please come to the palace in two days. We will have sign-up sheets and will begin training. Ruben here is captain of the army and will prepare us for their arrival."

As I speak, people nod. Others bark their assent. But amongst the rumble and rustle, I catch a familiar face for less than a second. The charred face, soulless eyes. But they disappear into the crowd before I can process it.

I roll my shoulders back. "Ruben and I will be at Sam's Inn for the next two nights so we can answer questions."

As the crowd disperses, we step off the stage and I pray no one swarms us. The candlelight glints on the dusty glass windows of the shadowy pub when we enter. We make our way to the bar, grab pitchers of ale, and find a booth at the rear of the establishment.

He lets out a sigh. "I think we should invite Edward," he says, rubbing his brow as he takes a gulp of the icy beer.

"You're ready for some brotherly bonding, at last?" I waggle my brows.

Ruben rolls his eyes. "I suppose I better get onto it. Perhaps I'll... actually like him. God forbid." He practically forces out the words, cringing as they fall.

"An open-minded Ruben?" I shake my head, drinking my ale. "You must be his doppelgänger. Sounds like you didn't do your homework on that man."

He chuckles. "Time for a change."

After the WallsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang