Chapter 37

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Servants and maids cast wary glances as I storm through the palace foyer. Rainwater trails on the floor in my wake, dripping from my hair. I clench my fists, ignoring the wailing wind outside, even though it is all I want to do as well.

"Have you seen Ajax?" I ask one of the maids.

She flinches and a part of my stomach twists. I do not want people to be afraid of me. "I think he is in Edward's conference room."

I soften my dark demeanour. "Thank you."

My heart clubs from beat to beat. Images of Ruben and Edward atop the northern walls flash across my mind, almost sending me to my knees. But I will not choose.

I climb up the sets of staircases, trying to will the fire in my chest to ease to coals. But it does not stop burning. Each time I pass a window, a sliver of the walls in the distance comes into view. My stomach lurches as I imagine seeing a figure plummet to the earth.

"Ajax?" I call when I reach Edward's floor. "Ajax!"

He sticks his head out of Edward's conference room. "There you are. We've been wondering where you went."

Ajax gestures for me to follow him into the room. Aston lounges on the couch before the crackling fire, drinking golden whiskey from one of Edward's tumblers. I snatch the glass from his hand and take a swig.

"Hey!" He grabs it back, his sandy hair falling into his eyes, and he shoves it away, waggling his finger at me. "I don't think alcohol and your temper are a good mix."

My mouth drops open. "I do not have a temper." I grab Edward's tumbler of whiskey, letting out a snort. If only he knew we were in his chambers, drinking his liquor. "So, Theseus has the brothers on top of the walls. He's threatening to throw them off if I don't admit I've been poisoning them all for weeks."

Ajax, who flops on the couch, practically bounces back to his feet like a child's ball. "Of course, you've been." He paces to the decanter of whiskey, taking a swig directly from the bottle. His mouth tugs into a smirk when he catches my gaze. "Don't tell him I did that."

Aston laughs. "If anyone is breaking the treaty, it's you, Ajax."

Ajax drinks again and shrugs. "I think Edward likes me. We are mates."

"He won't be anyone's mate soon if we don't save him and Ruben." I drink the whiskey, casting both my friends a dark smirk. "We begin with destroying the palace."

Ajax's eyes flare with a hundred thoughts, his quick-wit mind churning through my words.

But Aston, ever the big heart, tilts his head. "Firstly, how do you know Theseus hasn't thrown the brothers off already? And secondly, are you suggesting we evacuate the palace? There are at least a hundred people in here at all times with all the servants and heralds and Red Movement folk."

"Theseus needs them alive. He's waiting for a confession so he can confirm the treaty broken and take the palace. But without a palace, he is simply a man desperate for a permanent home."

"And the people in the palace?" Aston presses.

Meanwhile, Ajax sits back on the couch and leans back, examining me, listening with a sliver of amusement quirked on his face.

"We evacuate the palace. Every soul except for one." My mouth stretches and a bubble of wild laughter flies out. Am I mad? "Hera."

Ajax narrows his eyes. "Do you know what it will mean? To destroy the palace?"

I tighten my jaw, arching my brows, waiting for him to speak.

"This palace has served as the pinnacle of control and order for over a hundred years. Until you came along and overthrew its king. Destroying the building could throw it all into chaos and anarchy."

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