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It was finally the day of the concert. Olivia was at my apartment, trying to decide what we should wear. 

"Liv, it's no big dea-"

"Chae, it is! I am meeting my Idols, my favorite people. I must look good." she cut me off.

"Okay, how about this, you dress up, and I'll wear what I am wearing right now." I proposed.

She looked at me, studying my outfit. I had on an olive green off-the-shoulder sweater which was tucked into my jeans, and my all-white sneakers. My hair was up in a bun, and I opted to keep my glasses on. 

"Fine. I'll allow it this time. But next time, I'm choosing". She huffed as she selected her dress, and went into the closet to change.

Olivia and I were quite opposite when it came to interests and hobbies, but I'll admit, we complement each other very well. 


We entered the stadium and headed for the front row. There were thousands of people already making their way to their seats, excitement and a tinge of nervousness painted across their faces. The ceiling of the stadium was left open, and the lights were alarmingly bright. The stage was huge, and a tall BTS logo was in the center. It was quite overwhelming. 

After about fifteen minutes, most to all of the seats in the stadium were filled, and their music video for "Save Me" was playing on the two huge monitors. The song itself was beautifully arranged, and I caught myself staring intently, losing myself in the music. 

I didn't realize that not only was the music video over, but the center stage had opened up, revealing the silhoutte of 7 people. The screams around me were hysterical, some even sobbing already. 

I looked around me and realized that Olivia was no longer next to me. I had been pushed to the right side of the stage, as many were eager to get closer and closer to their idols. Never in my life had I seen such a strong wave of emotions felt by thousands of people just at the sight of their Idols. 

I was unaware of many of their song titles, but I figured that I would at least give them my attention. 

A song that I figured was called "Not Today" started playing, and the screams of all the fans got even louder. The song was intense, and so was the dancing. They were truly giving it their all, and I could feel the energy bouncing off of them and reaching even the farthest fans in the back of the stadium. 

The concert went on, and they had continued to impress me. In fact, it seemed like they demanded my attention, I couldn't physically take my eyes off of them. Then, each member introduced themselves.

They all had genuine smiles on their faces, a clear picture of passion, and love for what they do was evident in their body language.

One by one, they introduced themselves. I could recognize some names, especially "J-hope", as Olivia would never stop talking about him. 


The last song for the night was announced as "Spring Day".

As the lights dimmed, the music started playing. I inched forward, interested in the sound that I was hearing. As the song progressed, I was in awe. In awe of the musical arrangement, the lyrics, and the way all of the boys effortlessly glided along the stage, their heart and soul evidently pouring out into the piece. The song encapsulated everything I loved about music. The arrangement was done beautifully, the lyrics held such deep meaning, and the emotions were oozing into the stadium. 

I looked around me, the body of purple made its way throughout the entire stadium, thousands of people singing along, many with tears in their eyes. This, I thought, was the power of music.

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