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We had finished our dinner, and the boys all piled in to place their plates in the sink. I followed behind them, placing mine on the already full stack.

"Okay, whose turn is it today?" Seokjin asked, causing the boys to look at each other intently.

"Hyung. It's yours." V said, letting out a laugh.

With that, the rest of the boys piled out of the kitchen, relieved that they didn't have to wash the dishes tonight. I stayed back, watching Seokjin turn towards the sink, sighing.

"Aish... those boys don't like to help." he said with a smile. I could tell that he really loved them.

"Seokjin-ssi, I can help." I said, rolling up my sleeves and walking to the sink. I picked up one of the plates and began to scrub.

"Ah, thank you. You're the only responsible one here."

I laughed.

It was another one of those awkward silences. The only sound you could hear was that of the water and the scrubbing.

Seokjin finally broke the silence.

"So, Moon-ssi, what got you into music? I heard some of your tracks the other day, you have a beautiful voice. I especially love the meaning behind your songs."

I blushed. "Ah- thank you, I got into music after I went through a really tough time. My younger sister passed from cancer, and in that same year my grandparents also passed. It was a hard year. The jarring reality of death hit me all at once. I was shattered." I stopped in hopes of reading his expression. Was I sharing too much too fast?

Seokjin nodded in acknowledgement.

I continued. "My therapist recommended journaling as a way to make sense of my feelings and thoughts. So, I bought a journal. It started as just writing down my thoughts during the day, to starting to embellish them into poems. And from poems, they became songs."

Seokjin finished the last plate and placed it on the rack. He turned towards me. "Wow Moon-ssi, you went through a lot in such a short time. Your story is actually inspiring me to start writing something even if it's in a little journal. I don't really write too much."

"Ah, Seokjin-ssi, I think you'd make a great writer. I didn't think I could write at all, but I just went for it in my own personal journal, it's something only you can see, and only you can reveal those thoughts if you want. It's a beautiful thing really." I said, slowly tearing up. Whenever I talk about how I got into writing, I always remember all the pain, and it's almost like I relive it all over again.

I didn't want to cry in front him, that would be mortifying. I tried to hold the tears in, but he caught one or two of them flowing down my cheek.

"Moon-ssi, are you okay? Sorry to ask such a personal question, I didn't mean to make you cry." He wiped my tears quickly, before abruptly pulling his hands away, realizing what he did. "S-Sorry." he said, his cheeks now red.

"N-No it's okay, thank you for taking care of me. I just get emotional thinking about that time, that's all. Sorry to cry in front of you." Embarrassed was an understatement. I wanted to leave and never come back again.

Seokjin looked genuinely worried about me. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was focused on my eyes that were brimming with tears. He handed me a tissue.

I wiped my face, and looked up at him to meet his gaze. "Thank you, Seokjin-ssi." I bowed.

It was already awkward, and I just made it worse.

"Of course. I know we don't know each other that well, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I will always be there." He gave me a small smile, but he still looked worried.

"We can go and sit with the rest of the boys now, hopefully that will cheer you up!" His face turned to one with excitement.

I followed Seokjin out into the living room where the boys, except for Yoongi, were sitting. Jimin and Taehyung were on the floor, and Namjoon and Hoseok sat next to each other.

Seeing that I walked in, the boys stood up, greeting me. I smiled back to them as I sat down on the couch across from Namjoon and Hoseok, Seokjin sitting beside me.

"I hope you enjoyed the meal, Moon-ssi." Namjoon gazed at me smiling, his eyes disappearing, being replaced with his adorable dimples.

I nodded with a grin. "It was wonderful. Thank you."

"Why are we so awkward." Jimin chimed in.

Shocked at his forwardness, Namjoon looked at Jimin, who shot his hyung a large smile.

"Jiminie is right, we are quite awkward. Maybe we can get to know you more!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Sure, you guys can ask me anything you wanted to know about me. I'm happy to answer!" I said, dwindling my fingers.

There held another silence in the room, as the boys thought of questions they wanted to ask.

"I read your article you published about how you got into writing music. It was really inspiring. But I have wondered this since the time you've come here. Do you like our music? Why did you accept our offer so fast?" Namjoon asked.

I looked up at him, a tint of red appearing on my cheeks as I took in his compliment.

"I actually went to your concert in Anaheim. I didn't know much about you guys then. My friend Olivia is a huge fan, and she needed someone to go to the concert with, so I agreed. But when you performed Spring Day, I was in awe of you guys. It really touched me." I smiled to myself.

Namjoon a face turned pink. "Thank you." he said, looking down.

"What's your favorite color?"

I looked over to see the question coming from Taehyung. I chuckled at the suddenly light hearted question.

"Purple" I responded. The boys gasped.

"Purple is our fandoms color!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Ah, a coincidence." I said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Can you dance?" Hoseok had a very curious look on his face.

"No. I can't. Please don't make me." I said, putting my hands up in defense. Dancing scared me. I was so uncoordinated and scrawny and I never want to try it.

The boys laughed.

We talked for a couple more hours after that. Slowly the conversation opened up, and the boy started sharing some of their stories as well. The awkwardness slowly faded, and feeling of warmth soon filled the air.

"Thank you everyone for taking care me. Next time I will cook dinner!" I got up and walked to the door. Namjoon got up to come and open it for me.

I stepped outside and looked back at a smiling Namjoon.

"Good night." I smile formed on my lips.

"Good night, Moon-ssi"

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