Chapter 31. "Devil in disguise"

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"Wonderful for you two to join us," Mr. Clark said, his square glasses slipping down his nose. He pushed them right back, "who is he talking to?" she asked. Sam just looked at her, "I am sitting at the exact same position as you if not further away," he said. Emily tried to get a better look. "We are sorry, Mr. Clark, " she heard her brother's voice and all her interest was lost.

She leaned back, "it's your brother and someone he hooked up with," Sam said. "I caught that," she said. Her brother was nearly always late. "We are, Mr. Clark" Rowan's voice came. They both looked at each other, James was leaning against his seat with a smile. Her interest went right back up. "You are the head boy, Edward, and you are a prefect  Rowan get to your seats now,"

They both entered the class, Edward looked disheveled, and Sam and Emily shared a look, but Rowan was still prim. "Did they hook up?" Gwyn's text popped up. "Looks like it," she typed back. They sat right in front of Sam and Emily, perfect. "Phones down," Mr. Clark said. A loud thud echoed as nearly twenty phones were placed on the tables.

"Brilliant, now turn to page fifty-seven of your textbooks, we will be studying one of Shakespeare's plays a name you all might be familiar with and if you are not you shouldn't be here, because English isn't easy," he said turning towards the board. Students turned around the seats. He would write on the board for twenty minutes.

"Is that a hickey?" she asked, pointing at Edwards's neck. "He surely hooked up, but is it, Rowan, that's the thing," Sam said. "Daniella, come in." Mr. Clark called his niece in. She walked in, winking towards Edward, and sat at the seat next to Edward, "Rowan, do you mind?" she asked, her voice sickly sweet. "Absolutely not, Danielle. I would hate for you to not sit with your boyfriend," he said, his words came out bitter.

He took the seat next to Stephanie. "Boyfriend?" Sam mouthed. Emily looked between them and back at Rowan, noting down on his notebook. James and Gwyn seemed to think the same thing. What just happened?" Gwyn texted. "No idea," she typed and saw Sam shaking his head in a no, James pointed between them. Both of the boys were certainly not subtle. Gwyn pulled James's hand down the moment Rowan turned. Emily and Sam went back to their notebooks

"What were you saying? How should we improve," he asked, looking at Mr. Clark is still writing. "I was hoping you would say that what we are doing is not enough. To someone outside the school, we look like really good friends, not a couple," she said. "We do look like a couple, everyone says that," he said, "and now everyone is starting to doubt it," she said. "Nobody cares," he said, looking at her. She was still staring at the board, "At Rosabell High, everyone cares, I know that," she said.

"Besides nothing we do seems to bother them, we need to get under their skin. Otherwise, nothing would work," she said. "We are trying," he said. "Which is clearly not working. Do you see them wanting us back? They need to beg for us," she said. "When is the next party?" she asked. "Tomorrow, Lily is throwing her birthday party," he said. "Brilliant," she said.

"So can anyone give me the answer," Mr. Clark asked. Both of their hands rose. He looked around the class, "you heard?" he asked. "No, I read it yesterday," she said. "Me too," he said. "Anyone except the only two who talked through the lecture," no hands rose, "pity," the bell rang. "Prepare the next day," he walked out. "Why ask when you don't want to know?" he asked. "What more do you expect from him," she said. "What class do you have next?" she asked, walking out. Sam took her hand, "better?" he asked. "Much," she said, leaning closer to him.

"Math with everyone," he said. " Rowan doesn't have it," she said. "Only you and Rowan," he said. "Try to sit next to Will," she said. "Why in my right mind would I want to do it?" he asked. "Trust the process," she said, putting on a deep shade of red lipstick. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Come here," she said, pulling him away to the back of the cafeteria.

"What -" she cut him off, "lean down," she said. He leaned down as she opened a few of his buttons. She shuffled her hair, taking a bit of lipstick and dabbing it at the corner of his lips and a bit next to his neck. She stepped back, "looks real," she said, spraying a bit of her perfume on him.

She opened two of her buttons and leaned against the wall. "Take my waist," she said. "What are you doing?" he asked. "We don't have much time," she said as he took her waist and leaned in. She wrapped her hand around his neck. One, two, three. "I am sorry William's voice came as Sam looked back, his eyes wide.

Emily looked back at Isabel standing beside him. "I am so sorry for that,"Emily laughed as Sam looked between them and Emily with a smile. "It's fine," Isabel said, bobbing her head. "Excuse me," she said, taking his neck once again. "You are welcome," she whispered. "See you later, Darling," she turned, winking at him. "Bye, Will, Isa," she walked past them. "Excuse me," Sam said, running a hand through his hair. His angel was a devil in disguise.

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