Chapter 43. "A mistake?"

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"Do you want to go to the library to talk about it?" William asked, leaning against her locker. "Sure, I have a free period now," she said, closing her locker. The students already started talking when Sam didn't sit next to her. Now her talking to William seemed to add fuel to those rumors.

They walked into the library, and on the way Emily noticed a lot of stares, she smiled at Gwyn holding James's hand, and she smiled back. James pressed his lips together, he knew. Soon, everyone would. They sat next to the window, and right across her, she saw Sam and Isabel sitting next to each other.

Sam met her eyes as he noticed William sat across her, "Sam, are you listening?" Isabel said, breaking his thoughts, "Yes?" he said. She put her pen down, "you do know the real reason I asked you to pair up wasn't because of this, I really want you back, Sam," she said, slowly taking his hand in hers. He didn't feel the same warmth.

"I know I messed up, I shouldn't have told you those things, you are a boy a girl can be in a relationship with, you are a boy I can be in a relationship with,  Sam. You are perfect, and I shouldn't have dated any other person when I had you. I love you, Sam. Would you want to get back together?" she said.

"I would love to get coffee with you," Emily said as a smile spread on William's face. "I don't want to be your friend anymore, Emmy. I regret losing you. There hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you. You are the girl for me, you always have been, do you think you can give me another chance to make it up to you?" he said. She knew her answer, she knew it for the last two months, "I would love to get back together with you," she said.

"What do you think, Sam?" Isabel asked. "I think we should give it another chance and see how it goes," he said. "I promise I will make it up to you," he said, his eyes drifting off to Emily sitting right across him. He was sitting with the most beautiful and popular girl at school, yet he couldn't help but look at her.  At that moment he realized he wasn't in love with Isabel, it was Emily he loved, it was Emily who he cared for, it was Emily who was always on his mind, Emily was his first love and she never truly left, but she seemed happy with him.

He turned back to Isabel. His heart didn't skip a beat when he looked into her brown eyes. She took his arm and scooted near. He caught her eye, and for a moment, they just looked at each other. She smiled at him and turned back to William. He was the one she loved. "Let's go out of here, shall we?" he said as Isabel took his arm and walked out.

Emily felt several eyes on her as she watched him go. She felt a pang of jealousy, she didn't love Sam, did she? She looked at William, and she saw her past, her first love, the boy she danced to love songs for. But when she looked at Sam, she saw a new side of herself, the side she grew to love, and he brought out the best in her. She didn't have to be perfect with Sam. With him, she could just be real.

"When should I pick you up?" William asked. "Around 6," she said. "I will be there," he said, taking his books, "see you later, Emmy." With that, he walked away. "What the hell?" Edward said, sitting next to her. "When did you get here?" she asked. "Just answer what is wrong with you?" he asked.

"Emily, did you break up with my cousin?" Stephanie asked, walking towards her. "Keep quiet, Ms. Watson," the librarian said. "Sorry, Mrs. Ross, " she called back louder. The old librarian just glared at her. "Did you two break up?" Charlie asked. Before she could answer, Rowan walked in. Charlie raised her hand, he noticed it, and started walking towards them in large strides.

"Did he break up with you because we can totally put some sense into him?" Rowan said? "He didn't break up with him," she said, looking at Rowan, "and J didn't break up with him," she said, looking at Stephanie. "It was a mutual decision." "bullshit," Edward said.

Emily just glared at him, "I know you are upset about the decision, Ed, but we thought it was the right thing to do," she said. "I thought you two were going to last," Rowan said. "Me too, Sam was different around you, Emily," Charlie said.

"But you two were in love?" Stephanie asked. "Maybe love wasn't enough to keep us together," she said. "So now he is dating Ms. Prom queen, " Charlie asked. "He likes her," Emily said. "He liked you more. You have no idea how he talked how you," Charlie said.

"He talked about me?" Emily asked. "Most of the time, he was in love with Emmy," Edward said. Emily didn't know what to say. "Whatever makes you happy, Emmy guys, we have class," Rowan stood up. The rest followed, "think through it," Edward said before leaving.

He was in love with you, these words echoed in her mind as she remembered everything little thing about him, was it a mistake letting him go?

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