*ೃ༄ Chapter 5˚◞♡ ⃗

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A few months later you were on a bus to a practice match with the rest of the team. Ushijima asked you to sit next to him and once you agreed, he insisted on you taking the window seat. He knew you loved scenery.

The drive was long and because you had departed early in the morning, your head naturally found comfort on Wakatoshi's shoulder. You didn't know this at the time, but Satori later told you how Wakatoshi had smiled because of it and everybody who could look gaped at the scene. You hadn't realised that Wakatoshi only smiled with you.

You woke up with Wakatoshi's hand slightly holding yours. Slowly, you moved your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. He completed the motion.

"Great things happen when you wake up," he said, smiling. You looked at his expression in disbelief, wondering how you could have ever thought him scary or thought that he dislikes you.

"I'm so happy I sucked at sewing," you commented out of the blue.

"Yeah, right," he laughed at the recollection of you telling him how you had ended up near the gym that day.

After you were done laughing, you noticed the sea out of the corner of your eye and let go of his hand to get closer to the window and look at it. "So pretty!" you gushed, eyes sparkling. You placed your hands on the window in hopes of getting closer, but the glass was cold. Probably as cold as the sea.

Wakatoshi leaned towards the window as well. You could feel his warmth as he nearly whispered to your ear: "Not nearly as pretty as you."

You pulled back to your seat, blushing because of the unexpected compliment. The next thing you knew his soft lips were touching yours. Everything else disappeared. The bus, the sea, your team – it was just you and him for the brief moment.

*ೃ༄ The End˚◞♡ ⃗

Storm clouds, as heavy and dark

as my thoughts, hovered over my head

until the cold wind blew them apart

and a beam of warm love you shared.

On this day, I turn another new page

and for a long and happy chapter I always pray.

Fate Is a Tricksy Cousin (Ushiwaka x Reader) [Haikyuu]Where stories live. Discover now