10: When The Moon Smiles

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A humanoid creature from above sweetly said. It was a mixture of oranges, yellows and reds as it twirled and skipped in a jaw-dropping fluidity.

It strided delicactly to the plank on the end of the balcony and did a diving jump straight into the ball pit, the colorful plastic flew about noisily, but it quieted down, the robot nowhere to be seen and no sign of where it was. The girl never felt Gregory grab onto her so fast. His hands latched onto her arm in a protective grip.

The girl suddenly felt a chill down her spine, not only because of Gregory's cold aura and barely-concealed fear swimming in his eyes, but also because the sun-like jester was hidden in the ball pit with them.

This did not feel like any ordinary tag-you're-it situation.

Gregory took fast and steep steps, dragging the girl with him in the process. He needed to get out of this ball pit, now.

Abruptly, the girl shrieked as she felt long, slender fingers, with a chilling and metallic feeling to them, grab her waist and hoist her up, easily. Gregory was grabbed alongside her, he kicked and struggled with a horrified expression.

The robot was much bigger than he looked when he was up close and personal with them. He had them in a tight grip. The smile on his face was wide and Cheshire-like. The girl went limp in his large hand in paralyzed fear, this robot is going to eat them!

The animatronic strided out of the ball pit like the plastic toys weren't even an obstacle in the first place. His movements made his engine whir quietly but the girl heard it booming through her ears.

He tilted his head playfully at her horrified expression. Gregory was struggling in the robot's grip but his look of fear was covered up quickly with one of annoyance, but God, he was still scared. Not for him, but for the girl limp in the other spindly hand of the jester.

One thing you should know about (y/n) is that she dislikes the idea of man-eating clowns. This robot looks about ready to devour them whole with his white, milky optics shining at her and Gregory. She felt iciness squirm in her stomach like a snake but she was still so paralyzed.

The robot abruptly dropped them two on the floor. (Y/n) clumsily stumbled back and Gregory latched onto her protectively almost immediately, stopping her from falling onto her butt.

The girl immediately hid behind Gregory, staring wide-eyed into the grinning face of Sun, the jester animatronic.

"Is this a slumber party?! My, my, my! I have two little new friends! You're sure up late? Are there any more of your friends around? Is there? Is there?!" The robot's voice was electric sounding like the rest of the animatronics, but it was as well frantic.

It was pitched and fanatic. Reminding (y/n) of the times where she had a sugar crash. But it was much more loud and booming then Freddy's or Chica's. It was weird to the little girl to see such a giant robot towering over them have an eccentric voice like he could never get tired.

Is he like those one kids she sees in stories who never sleep and go on adventures in the night? Is he still planning on eating them? She doesn't think so...

The robotic figure clicked and clanked. The multiple bells with ribbons tied around his wrist and attached to his elf-shoes, jingled as he circled them like a crazed vulture.

The robot probably knew he was intimidating in height because he was hunched over, dancing around and waving his hands. (Y/n) was starting to like him, actually. She had a small smile forming on her face, her eyes starting to twinkle again. But Gregory— Gregory was very, very wary.

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