15 : Shame On You

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Gregory, instead of backing away in fear, took that as a challenge. His eyes narrowed at the metallic beast before him, who was crouched into a threatening pose.

Moon's voice box reduced into a low growl like a rabid animal as he twitched with fury. His multiple cogs and wires shifted and snapped loudly. If there was one thing that the animatronic hated more than anything, it was annoying brats like Gregory.

Stupid? He is not a stupid robot. He is the most advanced AI system to date! He is irreplaceable. He is astounding in modern history. The most expensive animatronic in the building with complex parts and wires. He is not obsolete. He is not damaged. Nothing is wrong. Nothing will ever be wrong. If something is wrong they will decommission him- they will destroy...

The robot's optics flashed blue. Moon protects children, keeps them safe and sound. He sings songs to them and helps them sleep. Gregory is just a child. He's just a child. Just a child, nothing more. But how come he doesn't see him as one?

Protect children. Code. Nap time. Code. Lights off. Code. Little girl. Code. Li-little boy-y. Code. Overwrite. Stop. Threat. Stop it. Attack mode activated. Listen to me. Threat engaged. STOP. Terminate threat. STOP IT. Kill him.

The robot screeched as he grasped the sides of his head as millions of lines of code broke and rearranged itself over and over again. The heavy wire attached to his back sparked with electricity. His eye flashed viciously. The terrible scene looked gruesome with the wide smile still present on his face.

With a roar of static, the beast launched itself upon Gregory, who didn't even have time to process what was happening. There was a look of surprise present on his face at the sudden violent outburst, though it was he who was watching with a dark curiosity so silently before.

Long, spindly fingers grasped the boy tightly by the shoulders as Moon shoved him roughly to the padded ground. The two skidded on the floor before halting to a stop. The animatronics grasp was incredibly tense but the boy didn't even flinch.

The animatronic snapped his head up with a whirr, his eye that was a wrathful red was sporadically switching to a wild, dark purple. It glowed ominously over the boy, making his brilliant golden eyes shine.

Gregory tried to slip from underneath the machine, kicking his legs and trying to push the animatronic off of him, but the robot shoved its knee on the boy's chest.

The animatronic was much too heavy to move. The soft fabric of the robot's star-print pants brushed against the boy's arms and hands, a far cry from the crushing feeling on the boys chest.  Moon lifted his claw-like fingers from his shoulders, metallic fingers scraping against his neck. This was a position of no escape and Gregory immediately recognized that with wide eyes.

The robot just chuckled maniacally as it lifted its hand in the air, slowly and tauntingly. This was a killing blow, aimed directly at the boy's chest. The singular optic flickered from red, to blue, to purple. It's whole body seemed to twitch and compulse with excitement. Gregory no longer saw a programmed daycare attendant, but a machine built for murder.

When the claw came down, Gregory's hand reached out to his side and his fingers brushed against flexible plastic that shocked his fingers. The animatronic took no notice of this, it was too hungry for the kill. Gregory reacted last-second.

There was a long, heavy cord trailing behind the robot, which Gregory had previously damaged. Gregory gripped the sizzling, rubber wire, and with a cry of fury, he shoved it into the ivory robot's vulnerable eye socket.

The animatronics fingers stabbed through the boy's shoulder, narrowly missing where his heart would be. The wound tore opened, leaking a strange red substance. Gregory yelped at the fizzling and searing feeling traveling up his arm.

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