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Chapter 1 - Green Eyes

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WARNING: This story contains strong language, depictions of violence, and depictions of domestic violence that may not be suitable for some readers.

I was used to being watched, but this was different. Heavier, somehow. It was the weight of eyes digging in between my shoulder blades, sending prickles up the back of my neck. I shifted my weight, fidgeting.

Was it...him?

I fought the urge to turn around, digging my phone from my pocket and double checking Vivi's order. Then I went on Instagram, scrolling absentmindedly, still aware of those eyes on my back. The line shifted forward.

A burst of raucous laughter made me glance over my shoulder. I got a partial glimpse of a man in the corner, his back to the wall. His massive frame was covered in tattoos and piercings. My neck prickled again; I squeezed my phone, fingers aching. I wanted to lean around and look at his face, but I didn't let my eyes linger.

The line shifted again. I inhaled, pushing down my irrational worry. It had been two years. Two fucking years, and my palms still turned sweaty when someone paid too much attention to me. "Not him," I breathed under my breath. But one day, it might be.

Fortifying my nerves, I exhaled through my nose, nostrils flaring, then shoved my phone in my pocket. I was safe. Safe and forgotten.

"Candy! Hey, girl!"

"Hey Tara." I grinned as I stepped forward. Candy wasn't my real name. It was Elle. Well, technically, it was Eleanor Rose Kennedy, but only a very few people knew that.

"Sorry about the wait. No Vivi today?" She gave a dramatic pout, possibly to hide her feelings. Tara and Vivi had been playing a game of cat and mouse for years.

"Just me today. She's busy packing."

"She's...wait, packing?" Her eyebrows drew together. "But...I thought we had girls night tomorrow?"

Behind me, an impatient throat cleared. I tossed a glare over my shoulder, directed at a middle-aged woman waiting with her arms crossed and lips pinched, before turning back to the cute blonde behind the counter. Tara had a short bob, blue eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. "Yeah...packing. It's a long story, but basically, family drama. Gunna to have to take a rain check."

Tara chewed on the inside of her cheek. "All right. Well, what can I get you? Dirty chai, venti?" I nodded. "White chocolate mocha for Vivi?"

"Also venti. Extra shot."


"She's got a late night."

Tara snorted. "So do you, I'm guessing, with work? Everything's okay though, right? Should I call her?"

I hummed. "She'll probably be on a plane by the time you close up here. But you should definitely text her. I think she'd like that." I waggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"Right. Okay." Tara gave a soft smile as her fingers flew over the touch screen, logging my order. "Seven-forty-two," she said before whispering, "employee discount."

I rolled my eyes. She grinned.

Completing the transaction, I shoved my wallet in my purse and moved to wait by the far counter. My eyes slid around the coffee shop again, this time stopping on the same man in the corner. Here, I had a direct line of sight. Our eyes met, forming a tunnel between us; everything else fell away, the entire fucking coffee shop disappearing. My lips parted, heat flushing my cheeks.

My brief glimpse hadn't done him justice. His muscular body barely fit in the chair, powerful denim clad legs protruding beneath the table. Even his coffee mug looked miniature in his hands, fingers covered in silver rings and tattoos. Holy fuck...his hands. My eyes darted over them, unblinking, lingering on the way he gripped his mug, strong and sure. Possessive.

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