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Chapter 14 - Heated Interactions

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"Dance with me, Sugar," Bastian said, lips close to my ear. A zing of adrenaline rushed to my fingertips. The hand at the small of my back was heated, heavy.

"Sure," I managed despite my suddenly dry mouth. Instead of heading towards the stairs, I reached around and grabbed his hand. His rings were cold against my skin, a contrast to his warm palm. My stomach flopped. I led us onto the dance floor, ignoring the erratic beat of my heart. I wasn't normally nervous about dancing. But this? The pulse of the music set a drum beating inside me, reverberating straight to my bones, making my skin hum.

I found a spot amid the crowd and turned to him, dropping his hand, taking a couple of playful steps away and then back, giving him a come-hither smile. His eyes darkened, pupils dilating. My arms lifted over my head; I swept my hips back and forth, laughing, giving in to the lightness bloom in my chest. Our eyes locked. I felt his stare burrow deep, latching on, snaring me. He stalked forward, all predator, then wrapped his hands low around my hips, splaying them against my backside. His arms tightened, pulling me flush to him. I tilted my head back, maintaining our connection, moving my hips against his. We took small steps forward and backward.

The feel of him against me, his rock solid chest, the bulge in his jeans, the press of his thigh between the apex of mine, sent heat dumping into my core. My pulse kicked up, drumming heatedly against my clit. I bit my lower lip, silencing the tiny noises I wanted to make.

I kept my movements loose, sensual. He showed me exactly how he might move against me if there weren't clothes between us. The length of him promised so much pleasure, hard as iron as I slid back and forth over him. I pushed a little harder, teasing. A growl rose from his throat. His hands crept up to my waist, circling around me, gripping me, possessive. The beat of the music intensified, matching his expression, the raw want blossoming over his features. His fingers tightened, guiding the flow of my torso side to side. Snap-snap, my head followed the movements.

We moved like we'd been dancing together all our lives. I allowed him to lead, flowing like water where he guided me. A flash of something playful darted across his gaze as the music hitched. I knew what he planned before he moved. He kept our hips pressed tight, sweeping my upper body around and back in a circle, bending me backward at the waist. I arched. The world went upside down for a moment. I straightened, chest slamming against his as a laugh escaped my lips.

He rumbled. "You're an absolute joy, Sugar."

To dance with, he meant.

"Right back at you, Goblin."

That brought a smile—such a rare thing. I fixed my gaze on the dimple. Then, before thinking better of it, I inched up a little higher and kissed it—that crease in his skin. He stilled, just briefly, and then our dancing continued.

His eyes glittered, blackened with unmistakable desire. I was treading dangerous territory here. A dull ache built between my legs, hot, wet. Our movements grew more erotic. I fisted the fabric of his shirt, all but groaning—

A scream split the air, rising up over the music. The crowd surged like a tidal wave, more shouts echoing. Bastian cursed.

I spun around, just in time to see a fist fly—wolf shifters. The world froze for a moment, and then the dance floor collapsed into chaos.

"Time to go," Bastian growled, wrapping his body around mine, enveloping me. Black shadows swirled around us. I had a single breath, then I was falling...falling...falling. My stomach lodged high up into my throat. I thought it might explode out of my mouth. Ugh!

"Bastian!" I screamed. I felt him wrapped around me, and yet, there was nothing.

Night air rushed in, and Bastian's arms fell away.

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