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I ran into the palace gates but I was held back by the guards like I'm a criminal myself.

They made me wear something that totally covers my eyes and I can't help but want to smack them. Why are they covering my eyes?

Ah of course, we're in the palace.

Wait, did they brought Riki here?

When my blindfold was removed, I immediately ran to Riki who was seated on a chair in the middle of this huge arena with guards on the four corners of the room. There is someone however who looks so intimidating that I almost shiver in fear but Riki is my priority right now.

"Hyung .. I didn't steal anything. . hyung tell them I didn't steal the ring . . it was in my pocket .. Hyung I didn't do it"

I hugged him as he sobs and held onto me. His body is shivering, what the heck did they do to him that he's this scared to the point of shaking violently?

"You're gonna be fine. . and I know you didn't steal it . . I'm here. . you're gonna be fine . . . did they hurt you?"

"One of the . . one of the guards. . he hit me with a whip on my back . . it hurts so much hyung . . . but that intimidating guard saved me and he . . . he made the guard step out. . .I'm fine . . hyung . . I'm scared"

"We will tell them you didn't take it. . ok? We're gonna be fine. . I don't care if we will be kicked out of here, as long as we will get you out of here"

I was asked to step away from him because the head security is here and he will handle everything. Just then, three tall and good looking men wearing a different uniform from everyone else entered. The tallest one is wearing a white uniform, the one who looks like he's gonna kill me and the second tallest is wearing a navy blue uniform and the shortest one was wearing an army green uniform. Among the three, the shortest one makes me feel at ease.

I don't care about rules anymore making me ran towards the navy green suited man.

"Sir, my brother didn't do anything, he can never do what you blame him for. . . he's been with us for the past days so it is impossible that he did it . .please, you can ban us and send us home just . . . please, he's scared . . "

I'm taller than him, maybe that's why I easily approached him?

"The guard who hit him was removed from service and will be banned to any employment in the kingdom. He violated a very important law, to never hit a prisoner, guilty or not without the royal family's permission"

Seriously? They did that to their own guard?

"As for your brother's case, we found the culprit. he admits placing the ring in a random stranger's pocket. . . we deeply apologize for causing this ruckus but rest assured, you will be alright. . . - - -"


The man didn't even finish speaking when a familiar face stepped in and immediately ran to my brother and hugged him.

And that's when it hit me, the Sunoo my brother has been hanging out with, the Sunoo he's been crushing to is the same Sunoo as the second prince of Zeviera. Sunoo is royalty.

I think even Riki was shocked but from how Sunoo seems to be explaining things made him relax.

After a few moments, the royal family was here.

"On behalf of my family and the security, we apologize to the both of you for the trouble we have caused. Please, let us do something to make it up to you. Anything"

The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ