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Just like what we planned, Jake went to Hetheria. We are aware that Azura is strong in military but Hetheria is far more dangerous and Jaeyun is new to this kind of stuff so we cannot risk it.

I on the other hand went to the the other kingdom that is in alliance to Hetheria not to wage war but to make peace and for them to stop attacking us because nothing good will be gained from this. I will just make them surrender and to make them officially agree to break alliance with Hetheria.

Sunoo on the other hand went to the fourth kingdom along with Nicholas and another warrior from Segovia, Yuma to do the same thing. I know that kingdom is quite small so I understand why they agree with Hetheria either because they were threatened or they were offered a huge amount of fortune.

Riki will then lead his first army as the prince of Segovia to the fifth empire to do either two things, to follow Sunoo and I or to battle with them for an agreement. I sure hope no battle will be done because Riki is just appointed and the head of the royal family might challenge him. Riki is capable I know but he's still a kid and the king he will be facing is experienced.

Jake's plan is to take on the remaining two kingdoms. He plans to make it seem like he will side with them because of the fact that most people and kingdom believe that Zequiero is falling because their prince is a wreck. He also will give them the impression that he is not trusting me anymore due to Hanbin's death.

He made Jaeyun do the same with Azura and because the Azurian king is really a snake, Jake predicted that he will back stab Hetheria if Zequiero sided with him and that is exactly what happened.

Then, after Jaeyun succeeded in pretending, he will 'disclose' an info that Zeviera will attack but we are actually not doing anything because we're waiting for Hetheria to attack us.

Jake will also pretend to side with Hetheria to attack my kingdom so they will believe him and Jake will send half of his army to 'fight' with the Hetherian soldiers but the army he will send is actually my army. After they will get here, Zeviera will be waiting for them. We will attack from the front while the other Zevieran warriors will fight them from behind and we will meet in the middle of the battlefield.

On the other hand, with the remaining half of Jake's army, they will of course take over in guarding Zequiero. Segovia will then take care of Azura because, well, the other half of Zequiero's army will be joining them. K hyung will be with me and Nicholas will be with Riki and Jay will be at Zequiero. Segovia will nail this for sure considering their power, I know so because I've seen it myself.

You might doubt that it might not go as planned. Don't worry, we have a plan B and if it won't work, according to Riki, there are still 24 remaining letters in the alphabet.

So if for starters, Jake or Jaeyun won't be able to convince the two, we will resort in direct battle, a royal for a royal and if they won't agree and wanted a full on war, we will prepare for them but we will let them attack us and exhaust their resources before we fight back.

Another plan, if Jake and Jaeyun will succeed but Sunoo Riki and I won't, it won't be a big of a problem because we can just fight them but on another thought, the three of us will then resort to a full on threat, no longer peace.

It is hard to explain but the point is, we will make sure to execute this plan very well.


Currently, I am in position as I wait for the signal from Jungwon and from my army of their arrival. We will we waiting for Hetheria.

The people by the way are informed and were quickly placed to safety. My concern after the battle would be the damage it will make in Zeviera because no way in hell will this be clean.

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