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The fierce battle is over in a blink of an eye and yet, my heart is still beating so fast that it is about to jump out of my chest.

The thing is, Jaeyun came back from Azura to take Jake's place as Jake went to war with Sunghoon. Because he is Jake at the moment,  the enemies immediately went for him and because he knows nothing about wars, he wasn't able to fight back.

If it weren't for Jay, we could've faced the worst.

Jaeyun was supposed to be in the palace but the attack is so unexpected that it made the palace guards loose focus and the enemy to enter the castle.

Jay was quick to instruct the soldiers for them to be able to regain their rhythm and right back in a way that they won't be messy and distracted. Jungwon is doing amazing at monitoring the whole battlefield as he instruct Jay helping him make a decision.

The battle was over and Jay handles the violators and is currently reporting to Sunghoon who also just finished his own battle and the Hetherian king is now being sent back with K to be punished.

It should end well right? Wrong.

Jaeyun is badly injured and we're in the hospital where he was being treated. Unknown to us, he was shot with multiple bullets. Although they didn't damage any organs, they made him loss blood and right now, the doctors are running around to locate his blood type.

The royal family actually have a blood reserved in this situation however, Jaeyun has used up all the blood bags reserved for Jake and yet it isn't enough. He's lost too much blood that the blood transfered to him is just slowing down his death.

I was standing in front of the door for what seems like hours now as I constantly wipe my tears that are continually falling.

A while later, the queen came running towards the door as she peeks inside with her hands on her lips as tears stream down her eyes like waterfall.

I slowly walked over to her as I pulled her away from the doors and made her sit on one of the chairs. I know Jaeyun is not the Queen's son but she doesn't and she thinks he is her son but I know how much pain she is feeling right now.

I just hope we'll find a donor as soon as possible.

"Your son is strong your Majesty. .  He will make it through. .. "

"He will . . . I know he will"

I was then shocked when she laid her head on my shoulders as she continues to sob.

"I can't loose him . .  he's all I have . . . I will go crazy if something bad will happen to him. . . I already lost his father, I can't loose another son"

Another son?

"Jake is not your only son?"

She smiled sadly before turning to me.

"He's not . . . it is supposed to be a secret inside the royal family . . . keep it a secret will you? I don't even know why I feel so trustworthy towards you despite knowing you for less than an hour"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. ."

"No . . . I am the one who's sorry to my people and to my son . .. I have been lying all along because I am scared to be an incompetent mother. I'm so ashamed. ."

"You're a queen. .you're never incompetent. And I know that because I have heard from Sunghoon how good of a queen you are that your kingdom is striving very well"

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