3 ) Fired & Grounded

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"Season 1. Episode 4."

Henry Danger.

Henry and I go down the elevator together. Right when it hits the ground we both look to each other, worried for what's to come behind these doors. Until it slowly opened.

We walk into the man cave to see dad watching the news about the phone shark while eating noodles out of a cup. He's laughing hysterically at the show, not even noticing our appearance.

Henry clears his throat to speak. "Ray."

Dad whips his head around at the sudden voice, growing a confused look at the boy. "Henry. I didn't know you were working today. And Y/N I could've sworn you were here..." he sets his noodles on a table, spinning his chair around. "Did I butt beep you?"

"No. Uh.. can we talk to you about something?" I asked cautiously, slowly walking up to my father with Henry on my side.

Dads eyes widen, drawing his hand over his mouth. "Are you guys dating? It's only been a few days." he shakes his head disappointingly before grabbing his noodles.

"You're nasty." I defended, secretly feeling butterflies in my stomach. But Henry only scoffs.

Dads expressions eases as he leans back into the man-chair. "Whew! What's up?" He asked, slurping a noodle loudly.

"So.. You know our friend Charlotte? She's like, really smart." Henry questioned nervously.

"Very, smart." I said, chiming in to exaggerate her smartness for a possible chance of understatement from my dad.

Henry begins to avoid eye contact with my father, fidgeting with his fingers. "She uh, kind of figured out.. that um— I'm Kid Danger."

"And that i'm Athena." We both try to play it off with fake chuckles, but it doesn't work. Dads eyes open widely, his jaw practically to the floor with no reply.

"Isn't that kooky?" Henry joked, until I nudge his shoulder roughly with a stern look.

"Yeah. What did you guys tell her?" Dad inquired, but his voice sounding more uneasy.

"That we are, Athena and Kid Danger." I sheepishly smile at my father, who's looking rather dissatisfied with our choices.

"You're not mad, right?" Henry asks with soft scoffs.

Dad got up from his chair and began to walk around us. "Mad? No. You're fired." he stated with a wave of his hand.

I gasp, I can even feel Henry's hurt from beside me. "Fired? Dad you can't fire him!" I called, showing my desperation.

"Oh yes I can. You can leave your watch on the table there, Henry Hart." Dad gestured over to an empty spot at the table Henry first received his watch at. My eyebrows pinched together.

"But I swear I didn't mean to tell her! She figured it out!" Henry chases after dad, worry and regret following his voice.

"Henry, you took an oath. You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone. And I trusted you to keep that promise." Dad starts up with a saddened voice, soon becoming more upset as his words continued. "When trust is broken, it can never be fixed." He concluded.

"Yes it can!" Henry corrected him sadly as dad puts his hand in one of the boxes of chinese food, pulling out a fortune cookie before handing it to Henry.

"Open this cookie and read the fortune." Henry scans my fathers face carefully before he cracks the cookie open to read it. I peak over his shoulder to read as well.

"When trust is broken, it can never be fixed?" I say from behind Henry, rather confused how the wording was exact to dads.

Dad nods heartlessly. "Yeah. So let's not argue with the Chinese. Goodbye, Henry." he walks off, expecting Henry to be gone by time he comes back. I remain still beside Henry, in pure disbelief.

I draw his arm up to me with my hand, slowly disengaging the watch on his wrist. "I'm not going to let him fire you, Henry. It's only temporary." I assured as I shoved the watch into my back pocket.

He nodded slowly, yet his eyes remained on the ground as he tried to hold back his tears. I frown at the sight, unhurriedly pulling him into a comfortable embrace.

He gave a shaky sigh onto my neck before pulling away. "I think I should leave now." He uttered, his eyes still glossy.

I give the blonde a suppressed smile. "Okay." He turns around, striding over to the elevator doors.

Man, it felt like we just got here and he's already leaving.

I watch as the lifts doors shut tightly as I suck in my breath, forcing myself to leave to my fathers room for a discussion.

~~~ 🤍 ~~~

"Dad, please! It's not even his fault." I begged pleadingly.

I'm sitting with my legs crossed on dads bed watching him pace back and forth around his room. He's growing irritated with me by every second but I won't let him fire Henry.

"You're right! It's not his fault, you could've made up excuses, but you didn't. Dad throws his hands on his hips, knitting his brows at me.

I frown, feeling my fists ball up. "It wasn't anyone's fault." I argued.

"But it could've been prevented, so it's definitely someone's fault." He said sternly, glaring down at me.

I drop my feet down to the stone cold floor, feeling defeated and hopeless. He's right, it could've been prevented.

"Please, don't fire Henry. He's my friend, and he gave me an opportunity to make other friends; I can't lose him." I reminded, feeling tears lace over my eyes.

Dad sighed, sitting down next to me on the mattress. "I'm going to have to ground you, Y/N."

I snap my head up at my father, looking at him with hurt and shock. "What?" I muttered.

"You disobeyed the rules. I can't punish Henry and let you off of the hook like that." dad said as he pressed his lips together.

I open my mouth to reply, but shutting it quickly before I could start any other arguments. I nod sadly, picking myself up from the bed.

"Ok." Is all that I could get out before I left his room, entering my own in despair.

~~~ 🤍 ~~~

Words: 1034



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