13. ) The Lost Soul

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"Season 1. Episode 7."

Henry Danger.

My Dad walks alongside me while we stride down the hallway of the motel Jeff is keeping the hostage.
My father's fists balled up into his palms, mine are suited behind my back comfortably.

"Stupid, Jeff. Now I'm going to have to try and put that big costume back on." he mumbles angrily under his breath, loud enough for me to hear.

I send him a funny looking face, trying to contain my laugh so he doesn't get any more upset. "Woah, Dad, calm down. Imagine how I feel, I had fake blood and everything on!" I throw my hands on my hips with a tad of sarcasm.

He glares at me. "Do you know how hard it is to put on those lobster claws?" he pitches his tone higher.

I stared at my dad like he's mindless. "You realize I could easily help you with that?"

He blinks before waving me off in defeat. "Whatever. Let's go fight Jeff." He dragged his words with grimace yet again.

I shrug my shoulders, following behind him to a door that has the number, "32" craved into it. We look to each other with already exhausted faces.

He sighs before asking me, "You ready?"

I hesitate. "I guess so."

He exhaled heavily before kicking the red door down with his boot. Everyone in the room looks at us baffled, mainly Jeff who has Dil Chips in his hands.

"Dude, the door wasn't even locked!" Jeff affirmed with a soft yell.

"We know, Jeff." I say with a cross of my arms and a roll of my eyes.

"But we don't like you, so I smashed your door." Dad gestured to the door, which was now lying on the floor in pieces.

Jeff scanned us with distraught, moving his eyes to our empty fists. "I don't see any hamburgers. Where are my big-n-beefys?" he cried.

"The only thing you're going to get that's big and beefy will be your cell mate in jail." My father declared heroically.

"Plus, we'd much rather throw you in jail then watch you die from eating two entire big-n-beefys." I begin to eye Jeff carefully.

Jasper mumbles through the duct tape with agreement and a nod of his head.

"Okay, well, when do I get my million dollars?" Jeff asks cluelessly.

My Dad looks down to the ground, dispirited. "Okay, you're too stupid to talk to. Sit."

Jeff sits down promptly in an empty seat at my Captain Mans demand, with his chips still remaining in his hands.

I examine the criminal before walking over to Jasper and Monica, gently. I reach for the rope's they're tied up with, untangling them effortlessly.

Dad walks over to face Jasper with an upset expression. "Hey, Kid Danger, I was worried about you." he pondered.

Jasper falters yet goes along with it easily. "Thanks, boss. I was worried about you, too." he jumps up from his chair.

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