Chapter 11: Encountering a Goddess

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Time skip: Next morning
Location: Ben's School.
POV: Ben's

You know that feeling where everything is supposed to go normal but your presence there just changes the whole thing, No? Well that's my life now walking into my class I was beyond surprised to see Hope sitting beside me I knew she was involved with my school somehow but I thought she'd play from the shadows as my classmate As if she expected me to come in at this time she sat upright eyes closed with a smile I couldn't tell if she was blushing or red from anger my reactions were subtle when Gwen saw her she already started conjuring Mana and Bennie had her palm on the Omnitrix.

"It's a Good thing you're the only one here, I could kill you and hide the body before anybody come to class no?" Gwen formed a sword with mana pointing it at Hope with other mana projectiles hovering behind her, I seem as if I was invincible because I remember her being behind me if she shoots anything I'd be dead before Charmcaster so I did what any rational person in my place would do I left the duo of angry girls and hid behind Hope who's mana didn't even fluctuate.

"I come here bearing no ill intentions," Hope said with her hand in the air and a figure of a white flag above her head.

"Why would you suddenly give up?" Gwen asked, "Don't you still want the Omnitrix?"

Hope scoffed and muttered, "Are you convincing me to be evil? I was thinking you'd be happy one of your greatest villains is now wanting to be an ally" Hope encountered Gwen Bennie seemed to have gotten the gist of it and came to sit in front of me well on my lap that is.

"You might think you're so strong and all, but-"


Hope snapped her fingers as all of the projectiles vanished "Having all the Knowledge versus having all the experience are leagues apart." Her pink eyes seemed to stare down at Gwen giving me a weird feeling I was prepared to protect Gwen but it wasn't needed Hope sighed and said "Hex is dead" Making me widen my eyes 'Hex doesn't die! He even becomes Gwen's favourite teacher in Omniverse how?'

"How are you so sure?" I asked her my voice betraying my inner thoughts seeming calm and level-headed.

"Well after losing to you over and over again" I could tell she was sad even though she hid it perfectly "My uncle decided it would be the most wonderful plan to steal from Zeus, the king of Gods and God of Lightning.

'Oh? Zeus from Percy Jackson is an egotistical monster' I thought Hope was still recalling some things.

" But according to him, he didn't want to drag me into his skirmish with the God so he used Dark magic that in the case of his death his magic experience and other stuff would be transferred to me along with his memory, But -" Hope was explaining but Gwen cut her off "Why should I believe you? You're evil!"

The word seemed to get under her nerves "Evil? Do you think I was born evil? Not everyone has someone to keep them on the right track" She eyed me before continuing "My Uncle Hex was the only person I had left now that he's gone do you think I'm happy? I mean sure I would have destroyed half the population of Americans to get the amount of power I have now but losing my only family member to get it, yes I'm still Evil but I don't have a problem with you my problem is with Zeus himself one way or the other he shall pay for taking my uncle" She got angrier with each word coming out of her voice till she was barely holding back her yells.

"But-" She fixed herself in seconds and smiled wickedly "I'm going to help you guys too, I won't lie Gwen I'm jealous of you at first it was your magic talent that got me fussed up but now having those Twins beside you I doubt there's nothing you can't do, So I want to be your friend," Hope said I could feel the sincerity in her voice "Either that or I'll kidnap Ben and make him think we're related since Bennie has an anti-magic physique."

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