Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Icy Problem

*Ruffle* *Ruffle* *Ruffle*

Ben ran around the forest as he had to dodge arrows, darts and knives from his assailants being pursued by 3 silhouettes.


Ben dodged an arrow that would have pierced his back by backflipping above the ninja that stuck him, He used one hand to swat the ninja away breaking the bow but he turned in time to dodge a slash from another figure that may or may not have severed his hand.

Ben landed and stared at the two Japan-themed ninjas that opposed him.

'Weren't they three?'

The last ninja and the slightly bigger one wearing brass knuckles appeared behind him, Throwing a punch towards his face which he dodged by tilting his head to the side Then the ninja went down and swept Ben's leg off the ground leaving Ben in their mercy, But before he felt to the ground, Ben used his hands to support himself before falling completely using a spinning kick to push back the ninja's who attacked him.

Ben was now surrounded by 3 ninjas one of them with brass knuckles, Another one with a Bow and arrows and the last one had a dagger.

'Bring it on '

Ben got ready for a three-Verus one fight.


"Simulation ended, Gravity has been reset"

Ben stretched his muscles as he felt lighter now.

"Maybe training with 6 times the gravity was a bad idea"

The ninja with brass knuckles had her Ninja outfit changed to her normal clothes, it seemed her ninja outfit was made out of nanotech which spread back to a black bracelet in her left arm, leaving her with just purple sweatpants and a black baggie shirt.

"Don't be lazy Hope, You're still the weakest person here."

The ninja with the bow and arrows changed her clothes too and it showed Gwen who wore the same as Hope but in pink and black respectively.

"Right, Bennie?"

Gwen looked at Bennie for support, Bennie threw up her sword catching it in its scabbard.

Her ninja outfit vanished and she wore nothing but a baggie green vest that reached to her lap, hence what she was wearing under the shirt couldn't be seen.

"Don't lump me with you, Both of you are weak."

Bennie brought out her tongue mocking both Gwen and Hope who were still over-reliant on magic, And they weren't as Physically strong as Bennie was.

While Bennie was mocking her sisters, Ben walked towards her smacked her upside the head and started nagging.

"Don't be rude, and what did I say about my clothes."

Bennie touched the shirt she had on before smiling innocently " Loving is sharing?"

"That's not even how the saying goes"

Ben pinched her cheeks and pulled it while she squirmed, but a warning from Ben's AI system made him free her.

"Warning: Forever knights have been spotted in Mantes-la-Jolie, France."

Ben let go of Bennie's cheek and she ran to hide behind Hope who sweatdropped.

'Why is she involving me in their squabble?'

Gwen asked while they suited up
"So we're going to France?"

"I always wanted to visit the city of love" Bennie commented

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