Chapter 12: A kings Anger

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Narrator POV
Location: Forest.

Since the previous attack on Ben,  which he survived by receiving continuous high-tier healing spells and charms Hope made, Although it's been a couple of weeks since it happened the effects on the group were massive Bennie had gotten clingy anytime she wasn't training either her physical traits or magic reserves by meditating she would be in his laps, Gwen had gotten a bit silent but she'd always show up in his room with Pillows every time she had a nightmare he died, her rivalry with Bennie never dulled at the slightest and Hope was the one who never left his side reasons best known to her she'd sleep on the floor, using cleaning magic to make sure everything was clean Ben's system was flooded with foreign energy was it was out of the options for him to train himself.

They moved to a cabin in a forest created by Hope she said the place was made to hide all traces of mana while having abundant mana itself.

Currently, Ben was bored he had been training his mind non-stop for the past couple of weeks since it was the only thing he could do as his body was weak despite all the training he put himself through he was pretty much wasted with one arrow he felt it then right after the arrow went through him the gap between him and a deity it was so deep that it made him feel like a kid.

"You should be strong enough to self-heal by now" Hope said cutting him off from his inner monologue.

'Yeah, my self-heal spell' Ben thought he hadn't used a single amount of mana since his system was filled with someone else's power that was more potent than his filling every ounce of his body with godly energy, he couldn't bring his body to summon mana since his mana system wouldn't budge, the ways to get pass this was he could wait for a couple of months for his system to flush out the mana naturally or he could refine the mana slowly and painfully till it was a part of him. While the first option required patience while the second needed mental strength, discipline and consistency Ben took the second option as he couldn't wait for some months to feel better again.

"Are you sure you've cleansed your system properly?" Hope asked wearily.

"No the impurities from refining the energy are still stuck in my body I'll be able to perfectly use mana after releasing the entirety of it" Ben admitted, for the first time in a while he attempted to stand up from his bed with the help of Hope of cause Bennie and Gwen had left to make sure the clones they left in their place functioned properly and if their parents were safe.

In a flicker of pink Ben and Hope now faced sand for as long as their eyes could see, they were in a desert, probably Hope telling him to release the impure energy.

Ben stood silently forcing every part of his body and mind to expel Artemis's essence, Hope had already found herself floating above the cloud with numerous shields and protection charms in case Zeus was feeling peckish.

Ben's PoV

It was honestly getting hard to release the energy as if for some reason it was clinging to me it was so little the energy was stuck just below my heart which was where the arrow pierced through, so I tried to summon all the mana in my body and release it in a giant explosion.

It hurt like hell and it felt as if my mana system were corroding as I screamed my lungs out, I was slowly losing consciousness as my mind slowly went blank ' I failed' I thought, But just before I lost consciousness I felt it my bottlenecks being forcefully broken twice and I entered a new realm of magic the Sage realm it made no sense but I used the newfound power to fully expel Artemis's magic for my body as a big bang graced my ear I could feel the vibrations and tremor from the ground I stood on as greenish black lightning struck everywhere around me eventually the ground I stood on deepened covering everything in a meter radius with dust then it expanded looking as if a nuke had been dropped ' I did it '  after that I fainted from mana exhaustion.

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