7. Christmas

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Izel twisted and rolled around in her bed, deep asleep, her brows were furrowed, sweat drops were trickling down her face. Till, she woke up and sat up startled. Pain shot through her rib cage, as a result of sitting up to quickly. Her lightning looking like scars ached terrible, she looked at the ones on her arm and frowned. The scars were faded and there were ones on her left shoulder, right arm, over her heart and on her neck. They all looked like lighting crawling across her body. No one could spot them, due to her choice of clothes, and the one on her neck could only be seen when she was wearing her hair up. She took the potion vial from her nightstand, that she had gotten from Madam Pomfrey. She opened it and drunk half of it, it would take a few minutes till it will do it's purpose. She took that time to think about what she had dreamed, which had made her woke up so startled. She looked at her other nightstand where the plant Neville gifted her stood, she had found comfort in it whenever she looked at it, because of having to think of Neville. Her brows furrowed again, deeply in thought, it took only some seconds till she remembered.

She saw herself, her body had suddenly shook with such a rage, that she thought she would explode, her hands balled themselves into fists. And before she knew it, she had rushed out of the door of the toilets and started walking-..no-.. running, towards the Great Hall.

He is so going to-.. she could hear herself think as she watched herself, her thought was not ended thought, she had bumped into someone or rather something...

She had already her glare on her face and turned to the 'person' she had rushed into, her glare fell however into a frown, as she saw in what she had bumped into. She yelped and turned around to run, but the Troll had grabbed her with his big hand. She saw herself grab her wand tighter, scared of it falling down. She looked the Troll right into its stupid looking face, with fear. The trolls hand tightened around her body, pressing the air out of her lungs, she gasped.

It tightened more, a disgusting crack was heard from her body, as she saw herself still gasping for air.

She realised now that it was a memory, but she would realise soon, that it was not really.


She saw the Trolls hand tighten itself so hard around herself, that it looked like she exploded, blood was everywhere, on the Trolls hand, on the walls and on the ground. Her head and other parts of her body, were all laying somewhere in the Corridor.

That's when she woke up, startled.

Her Memory had turned into a nightmare, she didn't think that that occurrence had been so traumatic to her, that she would have a nightmare about it.

Her door was opened slightly, a head peeked out through the slit of the opening.

„Luna? What are you doing here?" Izel looked at her one year younger sister confused.

„My gut told me something is wrong with you, I woke up because of it. It seems like it was right. Have wrackspurts been troubling you?" Luna asked and entered the room, closing the door behind her.

Izel shook her head, silently and patted with her hand next to her on the bed, signalling Luna to sit herself beside her, which she did.

Izel laid down, as Luna did and laid her head on her little sisters shoulder. Luna blinked several times, obviously confused by her behaviour.

„The Troll accident has been more traumatic for me than I thought it was. I was nearly dead... I could have died, if-" Izel clasped her mouth shut, she had almost told her about this stuff coming out of her hands.

Luna cocked her head, „if what?"


Luna knew there was more to it, but she decided to let her be, if she didn't wanted to tell, then she shouldn't have to.

𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣.Where stories live. Discover now