•Closer to you, Love

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Silah rolled onto her back as her eyes squinted to look at the darkened ceiling. The light that barely streamed in through the thick curtains of her bedroom fell over the hard crevices of the ceiling and Silah traced each groove and dip on the false ceiling with her big eyes.

Sucking in a large breath, she exhaled noisily and then pushed herself to sit against the head rest.

" Sarfaraz."

She called out seeing his darkened figure turned away from her.

" Sarfaraz.."

She gently shook his shoulder seeing the null response from the man.

" Listen to me.."

The man groaned before he rolled towards her and opened his eyes.

" What is it, Silah?"

He assessed her restless seated position against the bed.

" Sarfaraz, you aren't happy in this marria-"

" Ugh! Not again, Silah."

Sarfaraz turned away groggily and pulled the covers over his head making Silah pull them down.

" Listen to me for once."

" Silah just sleep okay."

He looked at her in agitation but the woman was adamant as she crossed her legs and grabbed his attention again.

" How do you sleep every night Sarfaraz? Does our situation not bite your flesh? Does any of this affect you?"

She asked and she realized for the first time she had expressed something so openly.

" It does effect me Silah. Every day and every night but I have no solution to it so I don't bother making more mistakes."

" That is what I am saying."

Sarfaraz huffed before finally giving in and sitting up in bed. He reached over and turned on the bedside lamp.

" Please do tell what's been cooking on your mind."

He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at his wife intently.

" Sarfaraz, I am tired of making efforts on you because they're not working clearly. I try to do everything to be the best wife but still nothing works. And it's not your fault or mine. You made your point clear the first day but-"

" Silah-"

" Let me complete Sarfaraz."

She looked into his warm eyes and he nodded and she breathed in before continuing.

" You love Gulnar and she loves you. So why don't you both just get married. You can have a second wife, Sarfaraz."

The man chuckled out before he shook his head and grabbed her hands.

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