•Betrayal within betrayal, Love

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" It can't be

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

" It can't be."

The chilly words stung throughout the room and froze it. The words sliced through Silah's skin as soon as Sarfaraz uttered them.

The tall man moved away from his wife. His hand reached out to glass doors of the balcony as he supported his figure onto it.

" I can't be."

He repeated.

Soft tears streamed down Silah's eyes as she shut them tightly. She shook her head. Opening her large eyes she looked at the man.

" I am not lying, Sarfaraz."

The man sighed.

" Gulnar has a child. She's married!"

The young woman cried out.

But Sarfaraz remained still. He couldn't process the information. A child? Gulnar's child?

" Please for once, believe me. She's married. Her husband was there too-"

Sarfaraz shook his head. His hands curled tightly into fists. And he turned around to look at Silah. His glare trespassed her and she stilled for a silent minute.

" No!"

Sarfaraz deadpanned.

" She has a husband and a child, Sarfaraz."

Silah shouted.

Her tears were gone. She took her stance and stood before the man. Her voice unwavering as she faced him.

" She's been cheating, on both of you!"

Sarfaraz stilled. His eyes growing wide as the woman's voice roared.

Silah's own heart twisted as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Her heart twisted for Sarfaraz. God! That woman had been playing with lives. She could sense Gulnar's betrayal in Sarfaraz as the man shook on his place. She reached out to him. Her hand dropping on his shoulder.

" That child isn't.. it's not-"

" Sarfaraz, I am sorry.."

" I can't believe it!"

The brimming tears in the man's eyes trailed down his cheeks. He leaned against the frame of the door.

" She never told me she had a kid. God!"

Silah lowered her head.

" She never told you she was married either.."

And suddenly her hand froze over his shoulder. Sarfaraz's head snapped up to her and she lifted her face. The ashen look on his face only broke her heart again and she moved away from the man as if he burned her.

" You knew?"

She spat. The realization suddenly dawning over her heavily.

Sarfaraz clenched his teeth.

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