Fat Girl Problem 4: The Jokes

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You've all heard them before, fat jokes. You know, the jokes such as "Yo mama so fat that Dora can't explore her". Hilarious right? No. It's actually quite rude and offensive. Trust me, I know from personal experience.

That's why I was surprised no one said a fat girl joke to me or even around me so far. Even though it was only the third day of school, it was so commonly said. I was thankful it wasn't here, but as usual I was too quick to thank.

I was writing my essay in English class, when I heard laughter erupt around me. Curious, I looked up and saw that Connor's friends were laughing. Connor on the other hand wasn't, he actually looked annoyed. Even more curious, I tried eavesdropping on them.

To my surprise they were having a "Yo mama so fat" dissing competition. They found it hilarious, but I found it disgusting. These jokes were never funny, just rude and immature.

Disgusted, I glared at one boy in particular who seemed to be dying of laughter. Surprisingly, he realized I was glaring at him and smirked.

"Sorry, am I offending your people?" he asked, smirking.

My face reddened. No matter how many times I'd been insulted for my weight, I never knew how to reply. It was just too embarrassing that I'd turn red and look away. Even though I really wanted to say something back. I had always wanted to be those witty people with remarks that could put people in their places, but that had never been me.

Suddenly, I heard a slam and I flinched. Frightened, I looked around to see what had happened. To my surprise, Connor was pinning the face of the guy who insulted me to his desk.

"What the hell! Get off of him man!" one of Connor's other friends exclaimed.

Ignoring him, Connor growled, "Apologize to her Derek."

"What the fuck! Just get off of me!" Derek exclaimed, frightened.

Connor pinned Derek down harder and he squealed with fright. Even though I hated Derek for what he did, I felt bad. This was actually scary, but I didn't have the guts to do anything. As usual.

Eventually Derek said, "Fine, get off of me."

Connor obeyed, but still held onto the collar of Derek's shirt. I watched in fear as I saw the fury in Connor's eyes. I wondered why he was such an angry person. It sure was terrifying.

"I'm sorry," Derek said to me, uninterested.

Despite the crappy apology, I said, "It's okay."

Connor didn't seem please by the situation by the way he glared at Derek, but he let go of his shirt. Derek seemed to relax as his friends acted like nothing happened. I relaxed too. I couldn't believe that happened. Why did Connor feel the need to help me?

I began to study Connor discreetly. I really couldn't understand him. He was terrifying, but what he did was actually nice. It was like he was an oxymoron himself. A good-bad guy.

It was Math class, my last class of the day. I hated the subject Math, but I actually waited for this class. This was the only class Cece and I had together, which made it fun. In my other classes I didn't really have friends for the most part, so they all sucked. Thank god Cece existed.

As we worked on a Math booklet, Cece suddenly whispered, "Quinn, Connor keeps staring at you."

My eyes widened in surprise. Connor's in this class? Quickly, I searched for him. I honestly had no idea that he was in this class. I thought we only had English and Gym together.

When my eyes landed on him, I saw that he was watching me intently. Blush filled my cheeks as I looked away. I didn't understand what his deal was. Why was he talking and helping me? We didn't even know each other. What type of sick joke was this?

"I don't know what's up with him," I sighed.

This was actually getting frustrating. All I wanted to know was his deal. People like him didn't pay attention to people like me. It was the way highschool worked.

"Why don't you ask him what his deal is?" Cece asked.

I stared at her in horror. There was no way I'd talk to him. I would rather die than talk to someone as terrifying as him.

Seeing my fear, Cece said, "Fine, I'll call him over here so we can both talk to him."

Before I could scream, Cece called him over. He seemed surprised, but he soon sauntered over to where Cece and I sat. I glared at her as she smiled at him sweetly.

"Hey Connor. Why do you stare at Quinn?" Cece asked.

It took everything in me to not run away. Was Cece insane! He was probably going to kill us for asking that because there was no way he'd stare at me.

To my surprise, he simply replied, "I don't know... She intrigues me."

"And why is that?" Cece prodded.

I shot Cece a dirty look. That was enough, I understood now. I intrigued him. Probably because I was the biggest girl at Lincoln High.

Connor shrugged causally. "I don't know."

Without another word, he went back to his seat. I tried to hide somehow, but to no luck. This was so embarrassing.

Cece gave me a sheepish look and I glared at her. So much for being an amazing friend. Annoyed, I focused on my Math booklet. To my delight, Cece didn't bother me as I ignored her for the rest of the period.

School soon finished and I was packing up my things. Cece left instantly with a quick smile and goodbye because she had to pick up her younger brother. Sometimes I wished she didn't because I was now completely alone. I seriously needed to make more friends.

As I began to leave, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a handsome, blue-eyed boy smiling at me. His bright smile was contagious, so I found myself smiling too.

"Quinn right?" he asked.

I nodded. Deep inside I was shocked that a handsome boy like him knew my name. I knew that was too good to be true.

"Do you want to have fun at my place?" he asked, winking. "I heard girls like you have more cushion for the push'in."

My jaw dropped. I was right, way too good to be true. Even though I was disgusted, my cheeks turned red. I was speechless as usual.

As I stared at him shocked, his eyes suddenly widened in fear. I then watched as he got shoved against the wall by Connor who looked angrier than usual.

"What the fuck did you say?" Connor growled.

The boys eyes widened even more with fear. Once again I felt pity for the victim of Connor. They didn't seem to realize they'd get assaulted for insulting me.

Seeing that the boy wouldn't speak, Connor growled again, "Apologize to her."

The boy quickly did. "Sorry, I was joking. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said for the second time today.

Connor let go of the boy and the guy ran away. It seemed like Connor and I were the only ones left in the class and I was curious. Why was he helping me? He owed me nothing.

For once, I voiced my curiosity, "Why did you help me?"

"Why don't you stand up for yourself?" he replied.

My eyes stared at his chocolate brown ones for a bit. They were a nice rich brown and despite it being common in people, I found his beautiful.

Thinking about his response, I couldn't help but reply with, "Touché."

He half-smiled. "Look hun, I'll protect you the the rest of our senior year."

Before I could question anything he left, leaving me shocked. He said he would protect me, but why? Why would anyone want to protect me? I was just a fat girl.

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