Fat Girl Problem 14: Jealousy

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I was humming happily in my English classroom. Turns out Brad totally understood why I ran. He understood that I wanted to wait, so he said we'd take things slow. I was beyond happy when he said that. Honestly, could he be more perfect?

Connor came to class after a few minutes. We both had a habit of coming to this class before it actually began. I knew why I did, but I never understood why he did. He actually had friends that came to school early.

"Where were you yesterday?" Connor asked as he sat down. "I came to your house, but your dad said you were out."

"I had a date," I replied, smiling happily.

His eyebrows rose. "With who?"


I was grinning widely at this point, but Connor didn't seem to feel the same way. He began to frown, but I was too happy to care.

"Are you sure you can trust him?" Connor asked, still frowning.

"Of course. At first I thought he was just messing around, but after our date I'm pretty sure he's serious."

Connor's eyes darkened. "Are you sure? No offence but you're kind of naive."

My eyes narrowed at him as I tried to hide my surprise. I'm not naive! What!?

Suddenly my good mood lessened. "I know it's hard to believe that a guy could like me, but it happened. Thanks for making my confidence worse."

Connor opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off, "Save it."

Neither of us spoke after that. I felt mad at Connor for once. How dare he not believe a guy could like me. I knew I was fat, but some guys weren't shallow. Connor probably was, so that was why he was acting this way.

I was telling Cece and Thea about my date with Brad. Thea was eating up every single word I spoke, but Cece didn't seem to care. I never understood why she was acting like this.

When I finished speaking, Thea squealed. "That's so cute! Oh my god! I hope you two stay strong!"

I smiled at her appreciatively. She was so supportive of me that it made me happy. I was beginning to truly love her as a friend.

"You're going to break Connor's heart," Cece simply stated.

I sighed tiredly. "He doesn't like me, trust me."

I thought back to earlier. He didn't believe a guy could like me, so that confirmed he never would. Cece was wrong. I began to feel sick for some reason.

"Yeah, Connor just sees her as a little sister or something," Thea agreed.

I nodded in agreement. That was true. He was protective like an older brother. It was cool cause I always wanted an older brother. Well, I guess I'd still have to wait since Connor and I were kind of in a fight.

"Speaking of Connor," Thea said shyly. "I was thinking of asking him out."

My eyes widened in surprise. Whoa. She was so courageous. Cece didn't seem please with the idea though, and I predicted what she would say next.

"But Connor likes Quinn."

Thea rolled her eyes. "I know you ship them and everything, but it's not going to happen. Quinn doesn't like him, and he doesn't like her. They're just friends. That's all they'll ever be."

Even though it was the true, the sick feeling in my stomach increased. I was seriously wondering if I had the stomach flu.

Cece then rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. Ask him out. He's right over there."

She pointed to where Connor was playing basketball with his friends. As usual he was slick and quick. No one seemed to be able to stop him as he rushed by everyone to dunk in the net. I watched him in awe.

"I will," Thea said confidently.

Thea then marched off to where Connor was. I watched her and became in awe of her body. She was so skinny, but still had the right curves. She was also extremely pretty too with her raven black hair and clear pale skin that enhanced her green eyes. As I watched her march off I began to feel jealous. It wasn't fair how some people were gifted with such looks.

Thea soon approached Connor who stopped playing to talk to her. Obviously I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I just watched. From what I could see Thea was extremely nervous. She was shifting awkwardly and looking everywhere except at him. That was surprising because she was a really out-going person. I felt bad for her because Connor looked really serious the entire time too.

In a minute or so Thea walked back to us. I wasn't sure what the verdict was. Her expression was neutral, so I wasn't sure if he rejected her or agreed. I was kind of leaning towards rejection because she'd be squealing right now if he agreed. That was the Thea I knew.

As she reached us, I prepared myself to comfort her. I felt kind of bad because I actually didn't feel bad for her. It was strange.

Suddenly she burst. "He said yes!"

I blinked. "Really?"

Thea shot me a glare and I saw Cece fighting back a smile. Oops.

"Yeah, we're going out on Friday," Thea gushed. "He's so cute."

Thea began to act out what happened. From what I saw Thea asked nervously and he just yeah. It wasn't a huge thing, and it was Connor-like, but I felt more sick after the story. Something felt wrong.

"Are you okay?" Cece asked, wearing a concerned expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I smiled to prove it, but Cece didn't look convinced. Thea didn't care, she just went on and on about Connor. It was kind of driving me insane. She didn't know Connor like I did. She needed to stop. Oh god. I sounded jealous when I wasn't.


I turned around to see Connor walking towards me. He looked angry as usual, which scared me. I hadn't talked to him at all since English, so I wasn't sure about what I did wrong. Closing my locker, I looked at him.

"I'm sorry," he sighed once he reached me.

I blinked in confusion. He looked furious a second ago, but now he looked guilty. Connor and his moodswings.

"It's okay," I replied.

"You forgive people easily," he commented.

I shrugged my shoulders. That was true, but why wouldn't I. They did take the time to apologize.

"Look," Connor continued. "I feel bad. I was just trying to protect you as usual. I want to owe you so let's double date on Friday."

I raised an eyebrow. "Double date?"

"You know, a date where two couples go out."

"I know that," I said, fighting back a smile. "But are you sure? It's your first date with Thea."

"Yeah, the more the merrier." He shrugged.

"Alright," I agreed.

He patted my head quickly. Almost scaring me in the progress.

"Can't wait."

Connor then walked off with his usual half-smile. I always wondered why he didn't just fully smile. There was no point in just letting half your face express your mood. Especially when the full expression was so beautiful.

Smiling, I walked the other direction. I actually couldn't wait for this though. It seemed like fun.

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