Chapter 2

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When we walked into the room I saw that Brahms was a doll " This is our boy Brahms." Mrs. Heelshire announced. Greta started to nervously laugh while i went up i and introduced myself, i was guessing it was a way of grief. " Hello Brahms I'm Mr. Y/n , Its a pleasure to meet you." i smiled and shook his hand lightly. Greta was shocked and then Malcom came in and made himself present himself to Brahms" how are you doing Brahms? " He shook Brahms's porcelain hand ." Now you take it easy on miss evans and Mr Evans They traveled uh a long way just to meet you" he gave Greta a look before leaving. Finally with the confidence she had gained while watching others do it she cautiously introduced herself, "it's so nice to meet you Brahms I hope that you and I can be friends." she smiled and shook the dolls hand gazing into the dolls silently dead eyes. She stepped back and while the parents weren't looking dusted her hand off on her clothes.

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