Chapter 9

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Drews POV:

I just finished up art class and I'm on my way home from school for the day.

The best part of my day was trying to get a reaction out of Olivia. She basically yelled at me in the hall when I was talking to Alison before her class. I was a little upset that she interrupted our conversation because I was gonna invite Alison over after school. So when I got into her room I did my best to make her regret pulling me into her class.

I think it worked because she basically ended her lesson early and made us read. Then she let us out early. I either made her uncomfortable or made her want me. I don't know which but whatever it was still benefited me.

I went to lunch with Alison and Carli. Dani had practice again. At lunch I invited Alison over to take my mind off of a certain blonde after school so she will be there in about an hour.

As I pulled into my parking lot I got a text from a Unknown number.

~keep your hands to yourself.~

What the fuck. Probably a wrong number. I closed the messages and walked into my apartment. I decided to lay on the couch and rewatch Friends for the 100th time. My Favorite character is Rachel. She's beautiful, caring, funny and smart. Well not so smart in the earlier episodes of the show but I'm glad they let her character grow into more of a bad ass that didn't need or want to depend on anyones help.

I continued watching the show until my mind drifted to the gorgeous Blonde I'm trying to avoid. The way she danced replayed in my head over and over. I couldn't help thinking about how turned on I was when her skin was on mine. Oh god. Now I'm horny.

I heard a knock on my front door. I looked at the clock and I realized an hour had already passed by. Just in time Alison.

I walked over to the door and saw Alison standing there in a purple hoodie and ripped jeans. Her hair was tousled and she looked Hot. I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

As soon as I closed the door she started to say "I haven't been over here since...."

I cut her off my capturing her mouth with mine. She was stunned for a moment then moaned into my mouth and kissed me back. She grabbed my flannel and pulled me into her. I grabbed her ass then moved my lips to her jaw line and traced kisses to her ear. With both of us breathing heavily I whispered into her ear "wanna take this party to my room?"

She nodded her head and groaned as she pulled me back into her lips. I smacked her ass and pulled her legs up and made her wrap them around my waste. I carried her into the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

"You're first" she said as she untangled herself from me and pushed me into the bed. She basically ripped my jeans and underwear off and I sat up and took the rest of my clothes off. I was extremely turned on at her taking control. Then without warning she went down on me. Oh fuck. I looked down and she was completely focused on pleasuring me. It was so hot.

I laid back on my bed and put my arm over my face as I moaned. I was so close already and she's only been down there for like a minute. Probably cuz I was already turned on before she got here. Right as I came I moaned "oh fuck. Oliviaaaaaa."

Why the fuck did I say that. I immediately felt Alison shift away from me. I looked down at her and she looked angry.

"Who's Olivia?" She asked.

"No one I just mispronounced Alison." I said trying to save the situation.

"Sureeee. Look I know you get around, but saying another girls name while I'm fucking you. Kinda a turn off." She said as she stood up and turned to leave.

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